Torstai 13.7.2023 kello 18:30
Velodromi, Helsinki / 
Vaahteraliiga - 

55 - 27


Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023)

Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

Royals (3-5) vs. Helsinki Roosters (3-4)

Date: Jul 13, 2023 • Site: Helsinki  • Stadium: Velodromi  •  Attendance: 384

Score by Quarters  Score 
Royals   7  7  6  7  27 
Helsinki Roosters   7  21  14  13  55 

1st  05:31  ROY   Morovick T 15 yd run (West K kick) 
         7 plays, 62 yards, TOP 2:43  7 - 0 
  04:32  ROO   Kajander W 53 yd pass from Sinodinos D (Olin A kick) 
         3 plays, 58 yards, TOP 0:50  7 - 7 
2nd  10:07  ROO   Sinodinos D 3 yd run (Olin A kick) 
         5 plays, 69 yards, TOP 1:47  7 - 14 
  08:00  ROO   Kajander W 41 yd pass from Sinodinos D (Olin A kick) 
         1 play, 41 yards, TOP 0:06  7 - 21 
  06:04  ROY   Morovick T 4 yd run (West K kick) 
         6 plays, 67 yards, TOP 1:49  14 - 21 
  01:35  ROO   Hamalainen V 10 yd run (Olin A kick) 
         9 plays, 66 yards, TOP 4:22  14 - 28 
3rd  07:32  ROO   Kajander W 4 yd pass from Sinodinos D (Olin A kick) 
         8 plays, 43 yards, TOP 4:28  14 - 35 
  03:41  ROO   Hamalainen V 5 yd run (Olin A kick) 
         7 plays, 78 yards, TOP 2:34  14 - 42 
  00:30  ROY   Jalloh A 32 yd pass from Morovick T (West K kick blockd) 
         9 plays, 78 yards, TOP 3:04  20 - 42 
4th  09:53  ROO   Lehtinen Y 26 yd run (Olin A kick failed) 
         5 plays, 61 yards, TOP 2:35  20 - 48 
  05:44  ROY   Morovick T 15 yd run (West K kick) 
         13 plays, 65 yards, TOP 4:02  27 - 48 
  01:38  ROO   Vehkomaki San 7 yd pass from Silomaa J (Olin A kick) 
         8 plays, 43 yards, TOP 4:05  27 - 55 

Kickoff time: 18.30  • End of Game: 21.03  • Total elapsed time: 2h 33min
Referee: Immonen M  •  Umpire: Kalevo J  •  Linesman: Vierikko P  •  Line judge: Kalliokoski J  •  Back judge: Janhuba R  •  Field judge: Lindroos T  •  Side judge: Reiners J  • 
Temperature: + 23 C  • Wind: 4 m/s  • Weather: Pilvinen

Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

 Team Totals  ROY  ROO 
FIRST DOWNS  17  28 
   Rushing  14 
   Passing  11 
   Rushing Attempts  37  37 
   Average Per Rush  4.4  5.9 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  197  233 
   Yards Lost Rushing  35  14 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  15-20-0  17-25-0 
   Average Per Attempt  6.3  10.5 
   Average Per Completion  8.5  15.5 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  57  62 
   Average Gain Per Play  5.1  7.8 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  2-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  6-59  4-25 
PUNTS-YARDS  5-141  1-38 
   Average Yards Per Punt  28.2  38.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  22.6  26.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  4-172  8-403 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  43.0  50.4 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  31.0  32.4 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  1-12-0  2-28-0 
   Average Per Return  12.0  14.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  8-144-0  2-48-0 
   Average Per Return  18.0  24.0 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  21:19  26:41 
   1st Quarter  6:21  5:39 
   2nd Quarter  4:43  7:17 
   3rd Quarter  4:28  7:32 
   4th Quarter  5:47  6:13 
Third-Down Conversions  3 of 12  6 of 10 
Fourth-Down Conversions  3 of 3  2 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  3-3  5-5 
   Touchdowns  3-3  5-5 
   Field goals  0-3  0-5 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  1-2  4-23 
PAT Kicks  3-4  7-8 
Field Goals  0-0  0-0 
Points off turnovers 

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

Helsinki Roosters
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Morovick T   19  123  34  89  43  4.7 
Suoste T   16  59  58  14  3.6 
Jalloh A   15  15  14  7.5 
Totals...  37  197  35  162  43  4.4 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Lehtinen Y   14  110  110  26  7.9 
Hamalainen V   14  86  82  16  5.9 
Sinodinos D   35  33  14  6.6 
Vehkomaki San   0.0 
Kittner D   -2  -1.0 
Silomaa J   -4  -4.0 
Totals...  37  233  14  219  26  5.9 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Morovick T   15-20-0  127  32 
Totals...  15-20-0  127  32 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Sinodinos D   14-21-0  241  53 
Silomaa J   3-4-0  22 
Totals...  17-25-0  263  53 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Jalloh A   91  32 
Lindfors A   13 
Korkeamaki O   11 
Garcia Carme A  
Suoste T  
Escobar B  
Totals...  15  127  32 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Vehkomaki San   104  35 
Kajander W   109  53 
Kittner D   38  14 
Juvonen S  
Ruohonen A  
Totals...  17  263  53 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Garcia Carme A   119  29.8  56 
Team Royals   22  22.0  22 
Totals...  141  28.2  56 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Olin A   38  38.0  38 
Totals...  38  38.0  38 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Jalloh A   12  12  80  28 
Khalifa Ra   64  25 
Totals...  12  12  144  28 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Kittner D   28  19  26  26 
Lehtinen Y   22  22 
Totals...  28  19  48  26 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Jalloh A   15  91  80  12  198 
Morovick T   89  89 
Khalifa Ra   64  64 
Suoste T   58  60 
Lindfors A   13  13 
Korkeamaki O   11  11 
Garcia Carme A  
Escobar B  
Totals...  162  127  144  12  445 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Lehtinen Y   110  22  132 
Kajander W   109  109 
Vehkomaki San   104  104 
Kittner D   -2  38  26  28  90 
Hamalainen V   82  82 
Sinodinos D   33  33 
Juvonen S  
Ruohonen A  
Silomaa J   -4  -4 
Totals...  219  263  48  28  558 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
West K   172  43.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Olin A   403  50.4 
FUMBLES: Royals-None. Helsinki Roosters-Hamalainen V 1-1; Sinodinos D 1-0.

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
ROY   1st  V38  08:14  Fumble  R00  05:31  TOUCHDOWN  7-62  2:43 
ROY   1st  V30  04:26  Kickoff  V35  02:42     Punt  3-5  1:44    
ROY   1st  V30  01:48  Punt  R46  11:54     Punt  6-24  1:54    
ROY   2nd  V38  10:02  Kickoff  V26  08:06     Punt  3--12  1:56    
ROY   2nd  V33  07:53  Kickoff  R00  06:04  TOUCHDOWN  6-67  1:49 
ROY   2nd  V38  01:29  Kickoff  V41  00:55     Punt  3-3  0:34    
ROY   3rd  V30  07:25  Kickoff  V31  06:15     Punt  3-1  1:10    
ROY   3rd  V22  03:34  Kickoff  R00  00:30  TOUCHDOWN  9-78  3:04    
ROY   4th  V35  09:46  Kickoff  R00  05:44  TOUCHDOWN  13-65  4:02 
ROY   4th  V40  01:29  Kickoff  R40  00:00     End of half  4-20  1:29    
ROO   1st  R35  12:00  Kickoff  V38  08:14     Fumble  8-27  3:46    
ROO   1st  R42  05:22  Kickoff  V00  04:32  TOUCHDOWN  3-58  0:50    
ROO   1st  R43  02:42  Punt  R44  01:48     Punt  3-1  0:54    
ROO   2nd  R31  11:54  Punt  V00  10:07  TOUCHDOWN  5-69  1:47 
ROO   2nd  V41  08:06  Punt  V00  08:00  TOUCHDOWN  1-41  0:06    
ROO   2nd  R34  05:57  Kickoff  V00  01:35  TOUCHDOWN  9-66  4:22 
ROO   2nd  R45  00:55  Punt  V15  00:00     End of half  5-40  0:55    
ROO   3rd  V43  12:00  Kickoff  V00  07:32  TOUCHDOWN  8-43  4:28 
ROO   3rd  R22  06:15  Punt  V00  03:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-78  2:34 
ROO   3rd  R39  00:28  Kickoff  V00  09:53  TOUCHDOWN  5-61  2:35    
ROO   4th  V43  05:43  Kickoff  V00  01:38  TOUCHDOWN  8-43  4:05 

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Royals   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   06:21   04:43   04:28   05:47      11:04   10:15      21:19  
3rd Down Conversions   0/3   1/3   0/2   2/4      1/6   2/6      3/12  
Average field position  V32   V36   V26   V37      V34   V31      V33  
4th Down Conversions   1/1   0/0   1/1   1/1      1/1   2/2      3/3  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Helsinki Roosters   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   05:39   07:17   07:32   06:13      12:56   13:45      26:41  
3rd Down Conversions   2/4   1/2   2/3   1/1      3/6   3/4      6/10  
Average field position  R40   R42   R39   V43      R41   R43      R42  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   1/1   1/1   0/0      1/1   1/1      2/2  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
ROO   1st  R35  12:00  Kickoff  V38  08:14     Fumble  8-27  3:46    
ROY   1st  V38  08:14  Fumble  R00  05:31  TOUCHDOWN  7-62  2:43 
ROO   1st  R42  05:22  Kickoff  V00  04:32  TOUCHDOWN  3-58  0:50    
ROY   1st  V30  04:26  Kickoff  V35  02:42     Punt  3-5  1:44    
ROO   1st  R43  02:42  Punt  R44  01:48     Punt  3-1  0:54    
ROY   1st  V30  01:48  Punt  R46  11:54     Punt  6-24  1:54    
ROO   2nd  R31  11:54  Punt  V00  10:07  TOUCHDOWN  5-69  1:47 
ROY   2nd  V38  10:02  Kickoff  V26  08:06     Punt  3--12  1:56    
ROO   2nd  V41  08:06  Punt  V00  08:00  TOUCHDOWN  1-41  0:06    
ROY   2nd  V33  07:53  Kickoff  R00  06:04  TOUCHDOWN  6-67  1:49 
ROO   2nd  R34  05:57  Kickoff  V00  01:35  TOUCHDOWN  9-66  4:22 
ROY   2nd  V38  01:29  Kickoff  V41  00:55     Punt  3-3  0:34    
ROO   2nd  R45  00:55  Punt  V15  00:00     End of half  5-40  0:55    
ROO   3rd  V43  12:00  Kickoff  V00  07:32  TOUCHDOWN  8-43  4:28 
ROY   3rd  V30  07:25  Kickoff  V31  06:15     Punt  3-1  1:10    
ROO   3rd  R22  06:15  Punt  V00  03:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-78  2:34 
ROY   3rd  V22  03:34  Kickoff  R00  00:30  TOUCHDOWN  9-78  3:04    
ROO   3rd  R39  00:28  Kickoff  V00  09:53  TOUCHDOWN  5-61  2:35    
ROY   4th  V35  09:46  Kickoff  R00  05:44  TOUCHDOWN  13-65  4:02 
ROO   4th  V43  05:43  Kickoff  V00  01:38  TOUCHDOWN  8-43  4:05 
ROY   4th  V40  01:29  Kickoff  R40  00:00     End of half  4-20  1:29    

Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

##  Royals   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
8   Jalloh A   7.0  .   .   .   .  
97  Kass Mar   5.5  2.0/6   .   .   .  
30  Tuovinen Aa   4.5  .   .   .   .  
20  Penesumbu J   4.5  .   .   .   .  
90  Arvila A   4.0  .   .   .   .  
2   Manty V   3.5  .   .   .   .  
56  Khalifa Ra   3.5  1.0/4   .   .   .  
34  Majaniemi A   2.5  1.0/2   1-0   .   1.0/2  
6   Limam K   2.5  .   .   .   .  
96  Blond M-M   2.0  .   .   .   .  
57  Kojonen E   1.0  .   .   .   .  
88  Escobar B   1.0  .   .   .   .  
29  West K   1.0  .   .   .   .  
33  Artis D   1.0  .   .   .   .  
99  Silfver A   1.0  .   .   .   .  
9   Paananen J   0.5  .   .   .   .  
##  Helsinki Roosters   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
0   Lydle W   7.0  2.5/4   .   .   1.0/1  
26  Aronpaa T   7.0  3.0/20   .   .   1.0/15  
39  Statsevich A   6.5  1.0/2   .   .   .  
8   Kuikka N   4.5  .   .   .   .  
2   Kattainen A   4.0  .   .   .   .  
20  Toijala O   3.0  .   .   .   .  
12  Hamalainen T   3.0  .   .   .   .  
5   Olin A   2.0  .   .   .   .  
36  Prasopsin W   2.0  .   .   .   .  
90  Malkki T   2.0  1.0/2   .   .   0.5/2  
38  Rask A   1.5  .   .   .   .  
25  Saarinen E   1.5  .   .   .   .  
78  Huhtaniemi A   1.5  .   .   .   .  
92  Siltamaki S   1.0  1.0/3   .   .   1.0/3  
95  Jaradat M   1.0  1.0/2   .   .   0.5/2  
31  Marno E   0.5  .   .   .   .  
48  Lipola J   0.5  .   .   .   .  
99  Wahlstein A   0.5  .   .   .   .  
3   Gruel C   0.5  0.5/1   .   .   .  
87  Kotro J   0.5  .   .   .   .  

Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   13  Morovick T  
RB   40  Suoste T  
WR   84  Korkeamaki O  
WR   8   Jalloh A  
WR   88  Escobar B  
WR   10  Garcia Carme A  
LT   71  Suominen S  
LG   59  Tuominen S-J  
OC   57  Kojonen E  
RG   53  Nybacka V  
RT   77  Evwaraye S  
Pos  ##  Defense 
LE   34  Majaniemi A  
DT   90  Arvila A  
DT   97  Kass Mar  
RE   33  Artis D  
LB   2   Manty V  
LB   7   Latikka L  
LB   56  Khalifa Ra  
CB   22  Osterholm J  
SS   30  Tuovinen Aa  
FS   6   Limam K  
CB   20  Penesumbu J  
Helsinki Roosters  
Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   7   Sinodinos D  
RB   6   Lehtinen Y  
TE   87  Kotro J  
WR   86  Juvonen S  
WR   13  Kittner D  
WR   11  Vehkomaki San  
LT   53  Vehkomaki Sam  
LG   63  Narhi A  
OC   54  Toiminen M  
RG   64  Aho A-P  
RT   75  Asklof V  
Helsinki Roosters  
Pos  ##  Defense 
LE   90  Malkki T  
DT   0   Lydle W  
DT   95  Jaradat M  
RE   87  Kotro J  
LB   39  Statsevich A  
LB   26  Aronpaa T  
CB   20  Toijala O  
NB   2   Kattainen A  
SS   8   Kuikka N  
FS   12  Hamalainen T  
CB   5   Olin A  

Royals: 9-Paananen J, 11-Godvin K, 17-Makela V, 18-Lindfors A, 24-Vesiluoma O, 29-West K, 51-Maenpaa N, 58-Kass Mat, 62-Kallio F, 70-Kennedy J, 74-Finne J, 96-Blond M-M, 99-Silfver A.

Helsinki Roosters: 3-Gruel C, 4-Ruohonen A, 10-Omer S, 15-Nylund T, 19-Silomaa J, 25-Saarinen E, 31-Marno E, 33-Hamalainen V, 36-Prasopsin W, 38-Rask A, 48-Lipola J, 58-Raudas E, 68-Anttila T, 72-Koskinen T, 78-Huhtaniemi A, 89-Kajander W, 92-Siltamaki S, 96-Rauankoski N, 99-Wahlstein A.

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

1st Quarter

Royals voittaa arvonnan ja siirtaa. Roosters palauttaa pohjoispaadysta
West K kickoff 62 yards to the ROO3, out-of-bounds, ROO ball on ROO35.
Roo 1-10at Roo35Hamalainen V rush over left guard for 2 yards to the ROO37 (Arvila A;Majaniemi A).
Roo 2-8at Roo37Sinodinos D deep right pass incomplete to Kajander W, dropped pass.
Roo 3-8at Roo37Sinodinos D rush scrambling for 9 yards to the ROO46, 1ST DOWN ROO (Khalifa Ra;Penesumbu J).
Roo 1-10at Roo46Hamalainen V rush over right tackle for 2 yards to the ROO48 (Arvila A;Blond M-M).
Roo 2-8at Roo48Sinodinos D short left pass complete to Kajander W for 11 yards to the ROY41, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds.
Roo 1-10at Roy41Kittner D rush over right end for 2 yards to the ROY39 (Penesumbu J).
Roo 2-8at Roy39Sinodinos D short left pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 5 yards to the ROY34 (Jalloh A).
Roo 3-3at Roy34Hamalainen V rush over right guard for loss of 2 yards to the ROY36, fumble forced by Kass Mar, fumble by Hamalainen V recovered by ROY Majaniemi A at ROY38.
Drive: 8 plays, 27 yards, TOP 03:46
Roy 1-10at Roy38ROYALS drive start at 08:14.
Roy 1-10at Roy38Morovick T rush scrambling for loss of 2 yards to the ROY36.
Roy 2-12at Roy36Suoste T rush over right end for 19 yards to the ROO45, PENALTY ROY illegal block 9 yards to the ROY45, NO PLAY.
Roy 2-21at Roy45Morovick T rush scrambling for 11 yards to the ROO44 (Kattainen A).
Roy 3-10at Roo44Morovick T rush over left tackle for loss of 4 yards to the ROO48 (Aronpaa T).
Roy 4-14at Roo48Morovick T S pass complete to Jalloh A for 14 yards to the ROO34, 1ST DOWN ROY (Kuikka N).
Roy 1-10at Roo34Suoste T rush over right tackle for 1 yard to the ROO33 (Huhtaniemi A).
Roy 2-9at Roo33Morovick T deep right pass incomplete to Escobar B, PENALTY ROO pass interference (Toijala O) 15 yards to the ROO18, 1ST DOWN ROY, NO PLAY.
Roy 1-10at Roo18Suoste T rush over right end for 3 yards to the ROO15, out-of-bounds (Lydle W).
Roy 2-7at Roo15Morovick T rush scrambling for 15 yards to the ROO0, 1ST DOWN ROY, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:31.
West K kick attempt good.
Royals 7, Helsinki Roosters 0
Drive: 7 plays, 44 yards, TOP 02:52
West K kickoff 49 yards to the ROO16, Kittner D return 26 yards to the ROO42 (Escobar B).
Roo 1-10at Roo42HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 05:22.
Roo 1-10at Roo42Sinodinos D short left pass incomplete to Rauankoski N.
Roo 2-10at Roo42Lehtinen Y rush over left tackle for 5 yards to the ROO47 (Artis D).
Roo 3-5at Roo47Sinodinos D short left pass complete to Kajander W for 53 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:32.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Royals 7, Helsinki Roosters 7
Drive: 3 plays, 58 yards, TOP 00:56
Olin A kickoff 50 yards to the ROY15, Khalifa Ra return 15 yards to the ROY30 (Statsevich A).
Roy 1-10at Roy30ROYALS drive start at 04:26.
Roy 1-10at Roy30Suoste T rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the ROY33 (Lydle W;Statsevich A).
Roy 2-7at Roy33Suoste T rush over right end for 3 yards to the ROY36 (Statsevich A;Aronpaa T).
Roy 3-4at Roy36Suoste T rush over right end for loss of 1 yard to the ROY35 (Lydle W;Malkki T).
Roy 4-5at Roy35Garcia Carme A punt 22 yards to the ROO43, downed (blocked by Statsevich A).
Drive: 3 plays, 5 yards, TOP 01:44
Roo 1-10at Roo43HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 02:42.
Roo 1-10at Roo43Lehtinen Y rush over left tackle for 1 yard to the ROO44 (Arvila A).
Roo 2-9at Roo44Sinodinos D short right pass incomplete to Kittner D, dropped pass.
Roo 3-9at Roo44Sinodinos D short left pass incomplete to Kittner D, dropped pass.
Roo 4-9at Roo44Olin A punt 38 yards to the ROY18, Jalloh A return 12 yards to the ROY30 (Kattainen A;Rask A).
Drive: 3 plays, 1 yards, TOP 00:54
Roy 1-10at Roy30ROYALS drive start at 01:48.
Roy 1-10at Roy30Morovick T short right pass complete to Escobar B for 4 yards to the ROY34 (Toijala O).
Roy 2-6at Roy34Morovick T short right pass complete to Korkeamaki O for 7 yards to the ROY41, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds (Hamalainen T;Toijala O).
Roy 1-10at Roy41Suoste T rush over left tackle for 12 yards to the ROO47, 1ST DOWN ROY (Kuikka N;Statsevich A).
Roy 1-10at Roo47Morovick T sacked for loss of 1 yard to the ROO48 (Lydle W).
Roy 2-11at Roo48Suoste T rush over right end for 2 yards to the ROO46 (Lydle W).
Roy 3-9at Roo46Morovick T short right pass incomplete.
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 01:54
Royals 7, Helsinki Roosters 7
2nd Quarter

Roy 4-9at Roo46Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
Roy 4-9at Roo46Garcia Carme A punt 15 yards to the ROO31, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 6 plays, 24 yards, TOP 01:54
Roo 1-10at Roo31HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 11:54.
Roo 1-10at Roo31Sinodinos D short right pass complete to Kittner D for 8 yards to the ROO39, out-of-bounds (Jalloh A).
Roo 2-2at Roo39Lehtinen Y rush over left guard for 3 yards to the ROO42, 1ST DOWN ROO (Kass Mar).
Roo 1-10at Roo42Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 7 yards to the ROO49 (Limam K;Khalifa Ra), deadball foul, PENALTY ROY unsportsmanlike conduct (Artis D) 15 yards to the ROY36, 1ST DOWN ROO.
Roo 1-10at Roy361st and 10.
Roo 1-10at Roy36Sinodinos D deep left pass incomplete to Kajander W (Penesumbu J), PENALTY ROY pass interference (21) 24 yards to the ROY12, 1ST DOWN ROO, NO PLAY, PENALTY ROY unsportsmanlike conduct (Artis D) 1 yards to the ROY11, 1ST DOWN ROO, NO PLAY.
Royals #33 suljettu ottelusta.
Roo 1-10at Roy11Lehtinen Y rush over right end for 8 yards to the ROY3, out-of-bounds (Jalloh A).
Roo 2-2at Roy03Sinodinos D rush over right tackle for 3 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:07.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 14, Royals 7
Drive: 5 plays, 69 yards, TOP 01:52
Olin A kickoff 44 yards to the ROY21, Jalloh A return 17 yards to the ROY38, out-of-bounds.
Roy 1-10at Roy38ROYALS drive start at 10:02.
Roy 1-10at Roy38Suoste T rush over right guard for 2 yards to the ROY40 (Kotro J;Statsevich A).
Roy 2-8at Roy40Morovick T screen left pass complete to Garcia Carme A for 1 yard to the ROY41 (Toijala O;Hamalainen T).
Roy 3-7at Roy41Morovick T sacked for loss of 15 yards to the ROY26 (Aronpaa T).
Roy 4-22at Roy26Garcia Carme A punt 34 yards to the ROO40, Kittner D return 19 yards to the ROY41, out-of-bounds (Arvila A).
Drive: 3 plays, minus 12 yards, TOP 01:56
Roo 1-10at Roy41HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 08:06.
Roo 1-10at Roy41Sinodinos D deep right pass complete to Kajander W for 41 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:00, PENALTY ROY holding declined.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 21, Royals 7
Drive: 1 plays, 41 yards, TOP 00:13
Olin A kickoff 46 yards to the ROY19, Jalloh A return 14 yards to the ROY33 (Kattainen A).
Roy 1-10at Roy33ROYALS drive start at 07:53.
Roy 1-10at Roy33Suoste T rush over right guard for 14 yards to the ROY47, 1ST DOWN ROY (Hamalainen T;Kuikka N).
Roy 1-10at Roy47Suoste T rush over left guard for 1 yard to the ROY48 (Lipola J;Huhtaniemi A).
Roy 2-9at Roy48Morovick T short left pass complete to Lindfors A for 7 yards to the ROO45.
Roy 3-2at Roo45Morovick T rush over left end for 43 yards to the ROO2, 1ST DOWN ROY (Statsevich A).
Roy 1-Gat Roo02Morovick T rush over left end for loss of 2 yards to the ROO4 (Statsevich A).
Roy 2-Gat Roo04Morovick T rush over left guard for 4 yards to the ROO0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:04.
Roy 1-Gat Roo03Deadball foul, PENALTY ROY false start 5 yards to the ROO8, NO PLAY.
West K kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 21, Royals 14
Drive: 6 plays, 67 yards, TOP 01:56
West K kickoff 53 yards to the ROO12, Lehtinen Y return 22 yards to the ROO34 (West K).
Roo 1-10at Roo34HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 05:57.
Roo 1-10at Roo34Sinodinos D short right pass complete to Kittner D for 7 yards to the ROO41, out-of-bounds (Penesumbu J).
Roo 2-3at Roo41Hamalainen V rush over right guard for 15 yards to the ROY44, 1ST DOWN ROO (Penesumbu J;Limam K).
Roo 1-10at Roy44Sinodinos D short middle pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 7 yards to the ROY37 (Jalloh A).
Roo 2-3at Roy37Sinodinos D short right pass complete to Ruohonen A for 6 yards to the ROY31, 1ST DOWN ROO (Limam K).
Roo 1-10at Roy31Sinodinos D deep right pass incomplete to Vehkomaki San.
Roo 2-10at Roy31Hamalainen V rush over left guard for 7 yards to the ROY24 (Tuovinen Aa).
Roo 3-3at Roy24Sinodinos D rush over left end for 14 yards to the ROY10, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds.
Roo 1-Gat Roy10Hamalainen V rush over left guard for no gain to the ROY10 (Blond M-M).
Roo 2-Gat Roy10Hamalainen V rush over left end for 10 yards to the ROY0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:35.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 28, Royals 14
Olin A kickoff 40 yards to the ROY25, out-of-bounds, PENALTY ROO false start (Olin A) 5 yards to the ROO30, NO PLAY.
Drive: 9 plays, 66 yards, TOP 04:28
Olin A kickoff 53 yards to the ROY17, Jalloh A return 21 yards to the ROY38 (Prasopsin W).
Roy 1-10at Roy38ROYALS drive start at 01:29.
Roy 1-10at Roy38Morovick T short right pass complete to Suoste T for 3 yards to the ROY41, out-of-bounds (Olin A).
Roy 2-7at Roy41Morovick T deep right pass incomplete.
Roy 3-7at Roy41Morovick T rush scrambling for no gain to the ROY41 (Lydle W).
Roy 4-7at Roy41Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 01:00.
Roy 4-7at Roy41Garcia Carme A punt 14 yards to the ROO45, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, 3 yards, TOP 00:34
Roo 1-10at Roo45HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 00:55.
Roo 1-10at Roo45Sinodinos D deep left pass complete to Kittner D for 14 yards to the ROY41, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds.
Roo 1-10at Roy41Lehtinen Y rush over left end for 26 yards to the ROY15 (Majaniemi A;Limam K), PENALTY ROO holding (Kittner D) 0 yards to the ROY41, NO PLAY.
Roo 1-10at Roy41Fumble by Sinodinos D, Sinodinos D sacked for loss of 2 yards to the ROY43 (Majaniemi A).
Roo 2-12at Roy43Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 00:16.
Roo 2-12at Roy43Sinodinos D deep left pass incomplete to Kajander W.
Roo 3-12at Roy43Lehtinen Y rush draw play for no gain to the ROY43 (Kass Mar).
Roo 4-12at Roy43Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 00:01.
Roo 4-12at Roy43Sinodinos D deep left pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 28 yards to the ROY15, 1ST DOWN ROO (Tuovinen Aa;Manty V).
Roo 1-10at Roy15End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 5 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:55
Helsinki Roosters 28, Royals 14
3rd Quarter

Roo 1-10at Roy15Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, ROO ball on ROO35.
Olin A kickoff 50 yards to the ROY15, out-of-bounds, PENALTY ROO false start (Olin A) 5 yards to the ROO30, NO PLAY.
Drive: 5 plays, 40 yards, TOP 00:55
Olin A kickoff 27 yards to the ROY43, on-side kick, recovered by ROO Nylund T on ROY43.
Roo 1-10at Roy43HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 12:00.
Roo 1-10at Roy43Lehtinen Y rush over left tackle for 20 yards to the ROY23, 1ST DOWN ROO (Tuovinen Aa;Blond M-M).
Roo 1-10at Roy23Kittner D rush over right end for loss of 4 yards to the ROY27 (Khalifa Ra).
Roo 2-14at Roy27Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 2 yards to the ROY25 (Khalifa Ra;Kass Mar).
Roo 3-12at Roy25Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 5 yards to the ROY20 (Paananen J;Jalloh A).
Roo 4-7at Roy20Sinodinos D rush scrambling for 9 yards to the ROY11, 1ST DOWN ROO (Majaniemi A).
Roo 1-10at Roy11Lehtinen Y rush over left end for 7 yards to the ROY4 (Kojonen E).
Roo 2-3at Roy04Vehkomaki San rush over left end for no gain to the ROY4 (Jalloh A).
Roo 3-3at Roy04Sinodinos D screen right pass complete to Kajander W for 4 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 07:32.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 35, Royals 14
Drive: 8 plays, 43 yards, TOP 04:35
Olin A kickoff 50 yards to the ROY15, Khalifa Ra return 15 yards to the ROY30 (Rask A).
Roy 1-10at Roy30ROYALS drive start at 07:25.
Roy 1-10at Roy30Jalloh A rush over left end for 1 yard to the ROY31, out-of-bounds.
Roy 2-9at Roy31Suoste T rush over left guard for no gain to the ROY31 (Malkki T;Aronpaa T).
Roy 3-9at Roy31Morovick T deep right pass incomplete to Lindfors A.
Roy 4-9at Roy31Garcia Carme A punt 56 yards to the ROO13, Kittner D return 9 yards to the ROO22 (Khalifa Ra).
Drive: 3 plays, 1 yards, TOP 01:10
Roo 1-10at Roo22HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 06:15.
Roo 1-10at Roo22Sinodinos D deep right pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 35 yards to the ROY43, 1ST DOWN ROO, PENALTY ROY 12 men on the field declined.
Roo 1-10at Roy43Hamalainen V rush over left guard for 4 yards to the ROY39 (Manty V).
Roo 2-6at Roy39Deadball foul, PENALTY ROY offside defense 5 yards to the ROY34, NO PLAY.
Roo 2-1at Roy34Sinodinos D short right pass incomplete to Kittner D (Jalloh A).
Roo 3-1at Roy34Hamalainen V rush over right guard for 2 yards to the ROY32, 1ST DOWN ROO (Kass Mar).
Roo 1-10at Roy32Sinodinos D short left pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 13 yards to the ROY19, 1ST DOWN ROO (Tuovinen Aa).
Roo 1-10at Roy19Hamalainen V rush over left end for 14 yards to the ROY5, 1ST DOWN ROO, out-of-bounds (Penesumbu J).
Roo 1-Gat Roy05Hamalainen V rush over left guard for 5 yards to the ROY0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 03:41.
Olin A kick attempt good, PENALTY ROY offside defense declined.
Helsinki Roosters 42, Royals 14
Drive: 7 plays, 78 yards, TOP 02:41
Olin A kickoff 52 yards to the ROY13, Khalifa Ra return 9 yards to the ROY22 (Marno E;Saarinen E).
Roy 1-10at Roy22ROYALS drive start at 03:34.
Roy 1-10at Roy22Jalloh A rush over right end for 14 yards to the ROY36, 1ST DOWN ROY (Aronpaa T;Kuikka N).
Roy 1-10at Roy36Morovick T rush over left end for 3 yards to the ROY39 (Aronpaa T;Prasopsin W).
Roy 2-7at Roy39Morovick T short left pass complete to Jalloh A for 10 yards to the ROY49, 1ST DOWN ROY (Kattainen A;Kuikka N).
Roy 1-10at Roy49Timeout Helsinki Roosters, clock 02:26.
Roy 1-10at Roy49Suoste T rush over left guard for 4 yards to the ROO47 (Lydle W;Wahlstein A).
Roy 2-6at Roo47Morovick T short left pass complete to Jalloh A for 8 yards to the ROO39, 1ST DOWN ROY (Kattainen A).
Roy 1-10at Roo39Suoste T rush over right tackle for 4 yards to the ROO35 (Aronpaa T;Lydle W).
Roy 2-6at Roo35Morovick T rush scrambling for 4 yards to the ROO31.
Roy 3-2at Roo31Morovick T rush over right tackle for loss of 1 yard to the ROO32 (Lydle W;Jaradat M).
Roy 4-3at Roo32Morovick T deep left pass complete to Jalloh A for 32 yards to the ROO0, 1ST DOWN ROY, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:30, PENALTY ROO offside defense declined.
West K kick attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Gruel C).
Helsinki Roosters 42, Royals 20
Drive: 9 plays, 78 yards, TOP 03:06
West K kickoff 26 yards to the ROO39, on-side kick, recovered by ROO Hamalainen T on ROO39.
Roo 1-10at Roo39HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 00:28.
Roo 1-10at Roo39Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 10 yards to the ROO49, 1ST DOWN ROO (Tuovinen Aa).
Drive: 1 plays, 10 yards, TOP 02:42
Helsinki Roosters 42, Royals 20
4th Quarter

Roo 1-10at Roo49Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
Roo 1-10at Roo49Lehtinen Y rush over left guard for 11 yards to the ROY40, 1ST DOWN ROO (Manty V).
Roo 1-10at Roy40Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 5 yards to the ROY35 (Arvila A).
Roo 2-5at Roy35Sinodinos D short left pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 9 yards to the ROY26, 1ST DOWN ROO (Penesumbu J;Limam K).
Roo 1-10at Roy26Lehtinen Y rush over right guard for 26 yards to the ROY0, 1ST DOWN ROO, TOUCHDOWN, clock 09:53.
Olin A kick attempt failed.
Helsinki Roosters 48, Royals 20
Drive: 5 plays, 61 yards, TOP 02:42
Olin A kickoff 55 yards to the ROY10, Khalifa Ra return 25 yards to the ROY35 (Prasopsin W;Malkki T).
Roy 1-10at Roy35ROYALS drive start at 09:46.
Roy 1-10at Roy35Morovick T rush over left tackle for 7 yards to the ROY42 (Kuikka N;Aronpaa T).
Roy 2-3at Roy42Morovick T screen right pass complete to Lindfors A for 6 yards to the ROY48, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds (Aronpaa T).
Roy 1-10at Roy48Suoste T rush over right end for 4 yards to the ROO48, out-of-bounds (Toijala O).
Roy 2-6at Roo48Morovick T short right pass complete to Korkeamaki O for 4 yards to the ROO44 (Statsevich A).
Roy 3-2at Roo44Suoste T rush over right end for 3 yards to the ROO41, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds (Hamalainen T).
Roy 1-10at Roo41Morovick T short middle pass complete to Jalloh A for 11 yards to the ROO30, 1ST DOWN ROY (Hamalainen T;Statsevich A).
Roy 1-10at Roo30Morovick T rush over right guard for loss of 2 yards to the ROO32 (Gruel C;Lydle W).
Roy 2-12at Roo32Morovick T short left pass complete to Garcia Carme A for 5 yards to the ROO27 (Saarinen E).
Roy 3-7at Roo27Morovick T sacked for loss of 4 yards to the ROO31 (Jaradat M;Malkki T).
Roy 4-11at Roo31Morovick T short right pass complete to Jalloh A for 16 yards to the ROO15, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds.
Roy 1-10at Roo15Morovick T short left pass incomplete to Jalloh A (Kattainen A).
Roy 2-10at Roo15Morovick T deep right pass incomplete to Korkeamaki O.
Roy 3-10at Roo15Morovick T rush quarterback draw for 15 yards to the ROO0, 1ST DOWN ROY, TOUCHDOWN, clock 05:44.
West K kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 48, Royals 27
Drive: 13 plays, 65 yards, TOP 04:03
West K kickoff 8 yards to the ROY43, downed, PENALTY ROY illegal block declined.
Roo 1-10at Roy43HELSINKI ROOSTERS drive start at 05:43.
Roo 1-10at Roy43Hamalainen V rush over left tackle for 4 yards to the ROY39 (Silfver A).
Roo 2-6at Roy39Silomaa J short right pass complete to Juvonen S for 6 yards to the ROY33, 1ST DOWN ROO.
Roo 1-10at Roy33Silomaa J short left pass complete to Kittner D for 9 yards to the ROY24, out-of-bounds (Jalloh A).
Roo 2-1at Roy24Hamalainen V rush over right guard for 5 yards to the ROY19, 1ST DOWN ROO (Manty V).
Roo 1-10at Roy19Silomaa J deep right pass incomplete to Kittner D (Jalloh A).
Roo 2-10at Roy19Silomaa J rush over left tackle for loss of 4 yards to the ROY23 (Kass Mar).
Roo 3-14at Roy23Hamalainen V rush draw play for 16 yards to the ROY7, 1ST DOWN ROO (Jalloh A;Tuovinen Aa).
Roo 1-Gat Roy07Silomaa J short right pass complete to Vehkomaki San for 7 yards to the ROY0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 01:38.
Olin A kick attempt good.
Helsinki Roosters 55, Royals 27
Drive: 8 plays, 43 yards, TOP 04:14
Olin A kickoff 53 yards to the ROY12, Jalloh A return 28 yards to the ROY40 (Olin A).
Roy 1-10at Roy40ROYALS drive start at 01:29.
Roy 1-10at Roy40Morovick T rush over left end for 21 yards to the ROO39, 1ST DOWN ROY, out-of-bounds.
Roy 1-10at Roo39Suoste T rush over right end for 3 yards to the ROO36 (Kuikka N).
Roy 2-7at Roo36Morovick T sacked for loss of 3 yards to the ROO39 (Siltamaki S).
Roy 3-10at Roo39Morovick T short left pass complete to Suoste T for loss of 1 yard to the ROO40 (Aronpaa T).
Roy 4-11at Roo40End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 4 plays, 20 yards, TOP 01:29
Helsinki Roosters 55, Royals 27

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)
Vaahteraliiga 2023
Royals vs Helsinki Roosters (Jul 13, 2023 at Helsinki)

Royals                                 Helsinki Roosters

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   33   24     57     OVERALL..........   36   26     62
1ST DOWN.........   19    5     24     1ST DOWN.........   18   13     31
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    0    1      1     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    5    2      7
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    3      5     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    2      2
2ND DOWN-LONG....    5    7     12     2ND DOWN-LONG....    5    5     10
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    3    0      3     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    1    0      1
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    0      1     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    1      3
3RD DOWN-LONG....    3    5      8     3RD DOWN-LONG....    4    2      6
4TH DOWN.........    0    3      3     4TH DOWN.........    1    1      2

Royals                                 Helsinki Roosters

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   33   24     57       ...............   36   26     62

Royals (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (19 RUN, 5 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-2 R02 #13 -2 [ ] over left end 1-10 R47 #13 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 V36 #13 3 [ ] over left end 1-10 R15 #13 to #8 - [ ] SL 1-10 V40 #13 21 [ ] over left end 1-10 R41 #13 to #8 11 [ ] SM 1-10 V30 #8 1 [ ] over left end 1-10 V38 #13 to #40 3 [ ] scrambling 1-10 V49 #40 4 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V30 #13 to #88 4 [ ] scrambling 1-10 V47 #40 1 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V35 #13 7 [ ] over left tackle 1-10 V41 #40 12 [ ] over left tackle 1-10 V48 #40 4 [ ] over right end 1-10 R39 #40 3 [ ] over right end 1-10 R18 #40 3 [ ] over right end 1-10 V22 #8 14 [ ] over right end 1-10 R30 #13 -2 [ ] over right guard 1-10 V38 #40 2 [ ] over right guard 1-10 V33 #40 14 [ ] over right guard 1-10 V30 #40 3 [ ] over right tackle 1-10 R39 #40 4 [ ] over right tackle 1-10 R34 #40 1 [ ] over right tackle 1-10 V38 #13 -2 [ ] scrambling 2ND-SHORT RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 V42 #13 to #18 6 [ ] SCR 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 3 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 R04 #13 4 [ ] over left guard 2-6 R47 #13 to #8 8 [ ] SL 2-6 R35 #13 4 [ ] scrambling 2-6 R48 #13 to #84 4 [ ] scrambling 2-6 V34 #13 to #84 7 [ ] scrambling 2ND-LONG RUN (5 RUN, 7 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-9 V31 #40 0 [ ] over left guard 2-7 R36 #13 to # SACK [ ] 2-11 R48 #40 2 [ ] over right end 2-10 R15 #13 to #84 - [ ] draw play 2-7 V33 #40 3 [ ] over right end 2-7 V41 #13 to # - [ ] draw play 2-21 V45 #13 11 [ ] scrambling 2-8 V40 #13 to #10 1 [ ] SCL 2-7 R15 #13 15 [ ] scrambling 2-12 R32 #13 to #10 5 [ ] SL 2-9 V48 #13 to #18 7 [ ] SL 2-7 V39 #13 to #8 10 [ ] SL 3RD-SHORT RUN (3 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-2 R45 #13 43 [ ] over left end 3-2 R44 #40 3 [ ] over right end 3-2 R31 #13 -1 [ ] over right tackle 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-4 V36 #40 -1 [ ] over right end 3RD-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 5 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-10 R44 #13 -4 [ ] over left tackle 3-7 R27 #13 to # SACK [ ] 3-10 R15 #13 15 [ ] quarterback draw 3-7 V41 #13 to # SACK [ ] 3-7 V41 #13 0 [ ] scrambling 3-9 V31 #13 to #18 - [ ] draw play 3-10 R39 #13 to #40 -1 [ ] SL 3-9 R46 #13 to # - [ ] scrambling 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 3 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-3 R32 #13 to #8 32 [ ] DL 4-14 R48 #13 to #8 14 [ ] S 4-11 R31 #13 to #8 16 [ ] scrambling
Helsinki Roosters (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (18 RUN, 13 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 V19 #33 14 [ ] over left end 1-10 V41 #7 to # SACK [ ] 1-10 V11 #6 7 [ ] over left end 1-10 R45 #7 to #13 14 [ ] DL 1-10 V43 #33 4 [ ] over left guard 1-10 R22 #7 to #11 35 [ ] draw play 1-5 V05 #33 5 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V31 #7 to #11 - [ ] draw play 1-10 V10 #33 0 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V19 #19 to #13 - [ ] draw play 1-10 R35 #33 2 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V41 #7 to #89 41 [ ] draw play 1-10 R49 #6 11 [ ] over left guard 1-10 V32 #7 to #11 13 [ ] SL 1-10 V43 #33 4 [ ] over left tackle 1-10 V33 #19 to #13 9 [ ] SL 1-10 R43 #6 1 [ ] over left tackle 1-10 R42 #7 to #96 - [ ] SL 1-10 V43 #6 20 [ ] over left tackle 1-10 V44 #7 to #11 7 [ ] SM 1-10 V23 #13 -4 [ ] over right end 1-7 V07 #19 to #11 7 [ ] scrambling 1-10 V41 #13 2 [ ] over right end 1-10 R34 #7 to #13 7 [ ] scrambling 1-10 V11 #6 8 [ ] over right end 1-10 R31 #7 to #13 8 [ ] scrambling 1-10 V26 #6 26 [ ] over right guard 1-10 V40 #6 5 [ ] over right guard 1-10 R42 #6 7 [ ] over right guard 1-10 R39 #6 10 [ ] over right guard 1-10 R46 #33 2 [ ] over right tackle 2ND-SHORT RUN (5 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 V04 #11 0 [ ] over left end 2-1 V34 #7 to #13 - [ ] scrambling 2-2 R39 #6 3 [ ] over left guard 2-3 V37 #7 to #4 6 [ ] scrambling 2-3 R41 #33 15 [ ] over right guard 2-1 V24 #33 5 [ ] over right guard 2-2 V03 #7 3 [ ] over right tackle 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-5 V35 #7 to #11 9 [ ] SL 2-6 V39 #19 to #86 6 [ ] scrambling 2ND-LONG RUN (5 RUN, 5 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 V10 #33 10 [ ] over left end 2-12 V43 #7 to #89 - [ ] DL 2-10 V31 #33 7 [ ] over left guard 2-8 R37 #7 to #89 - [ ] draw play 2-10 V19 #19 -4 [ ] over left tackle 2-8 V39 #7 to #11 5 [ ] SL 2-10 R42 #6 5 [ ] over left tackle 2-8 R48 #7 to #89 11 [ ] SL 2-14 V27 #6 2 [ ] over right guard 2-9 R44 #7 to #13 - [ ] scrambling 3RD-SHORT RUN (1 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 V34 #33 2 [ ] over right guard 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-3 V24 #7 14 [ ] over left end 3-3 V04 #7 to #89 4 [ ] SCR 3-3 V34 #33 -2 [ ] over right guard 3RD-LONG RUN (4 RUN, 2 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-14 V23 #33 16 [ ] draw play 3-9 R44 #7 to #13 - [ ] SL 3-12 V43 #6 0 [ ] draw play 3-5 R47 #7 to #89 53 [ ] SL 3-12 V25 #6 5 [ ] over right guard 3-8 R37 #7 9 [ ] scrambling 4TH DOWN RUN (1 RUN, 1 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-7 V20 #7 9 [ ] scrambling 4-12 V43 #7 to #11 28 [ ] DL


Ottelutapahtumia ei ole kirjattu.


Roosters Roosters


William Lydle
William Lydle
#0 DL
Aku Kattainen
Aku Kattainen
#2 DB
Camille Gruel
Camille Gruel
#3 DL
Anssi Ruohonen
Anssi Ruohonen
#4 WR
Akseli Olin
Akseli Olin
#5 DB
Yusufa Lehtinen
Yusufa Lehtinen
#6 RB
Dimitrios Sinodinos
Dimitrios Sinodinos
#7 QB
Niko Kuikka
Niko Kuikka
#8 DB
Sharmake Salah Omer
Sharmake Salah Omer
#10 WR
Santtu Vehkomäki
Santtu Vehkomäki
#11 WR
Tuukka Hämäläinen
Tuukka Hämäläinen
#12 DB
Daniel Kittner
Daniel Kittner
#13 WR
Tommy Nylund
Tommy Nylund
#15 DB
Jerry Silomaa
Jerry Silomaa
#19 QB
Oskari Toijala
Oskari Toijala
#20 DB
Eero Saarinen
Eero Saarinen
#25 DB
Taavi Aronpää
Taavi Aronpää
#26 LB
Eino Marno
Eino Marno
#31 DB
Ville Hämäläinen
Ville Hämäläinen
#33 RB
Waraphon Prasopsin
Waraphon Prasopsin
#36 DB
Aaro Rask
Aaro Rask
#38 LB
Aleksi Statsevich
Aleksi Statsevich
#39 LB
Jarno Lipola
Jarno Lipola
Samuli Vehkomäki
Samuli Vehkomäki
#53 OL
Mikko Toiminen
Mikko Toiminen
#54 OL
Eemil Raudas
Eemil Raudas
#58 DL
Aleksi Närhi
Aleksi Närhi
#63 OL
Aki-Petteri Aho
Aki-Petteri Aho
#64 OL
Topi Anttila
Topi Anttila
#68 OL
Tony Koskinen
Tony Koskinen
#72 OL
Viktor Asklöf
Viktor Asklöf
#75 OL
Alexander Huhtaniemi
Alexander Huhtaniemi
#78 DL
Santeri Juvonen
Santeri Juvonen
#86 WR
Joni Kotro
Joni Kotro
#87 WR
Willem Kajander
Willem Kajander
#89 WR
Toni Mälkki
Toni Mälkki
Simeon Siltamäki
Simeon Siltamäki
#92 DL
Malek Jaradat
Malek Jaradat
#95 DL
Neem Rauankoski
Neem Rauankoski
#96 DL
August Wahlstein
August Wahlstein
#99 DL




Lassi Pajarinen
Tarmo Pitkänen
Lucas Suokas
Sampo Ranta
Elias Ylitalo
Timo Oksanen
Aatu Mikkonen
Henri Kaasinen
Jaakko Jokinen
Niklas Lagström
Werner Salminen
Akusti Saarinen
Andrei Solovian
Gustav Wahlstein
Johannes Jauhiainen
James Perrineau
Aatos Airto


Patrik Asén
Hyökkäyksen linjavalmentaja
Juha Hakala
Okko Outinen GBC
Puolustuksen linjavalmentaja
Daniel Stanzel
Hyökkäyksen koordinaattori
Antto Toivio
Santtu Äyräväinen


Royals Royals


Viktor Mänty
Viktor Mänty
#2 DB
Karim Limam
Karim Limam
#6 DB
Lamin Latikka
Lamin Latikka
#7 LB
Alpha Jalloh
Alpha Jalloh
#8 WR
Jere Paananen
Jere Paananen
#9 DB
Antonio Garcia Carme
Antonio Garcia Carme (A )
#10 WR
Kelvin Godvin
Kelvin Godvin
#11 WR
Timothy Morovick
Timothy Morovick
#13 QB
Veeti Mäkelä
Veeti Mäkelä
#17 WR
Ami Lindfors
Ami Lindfors (A )
#18 WR
Joseph Sentama Penesumbu
Joseph Sentama Penesumbu
#20 DB
Joel Österholm
Joel Österholm
#22 DB
Oliver Vesiluoma
Oliver Vesiluoma
#24 RB
Kasper West
Kasper West
#29 DB
Aaro Tuovinen
Aaro Tuovinen
#30 DB
Aaron Luomala
Aaron Luomala
Demarco Artis
Demarco Artis
#33 LB
Aleksi Majaniemi
Aleksi Majaniemi
#34 LB
Tom Suoste
Tom Suoste
#40 RB
Niko Mäenpää
Niko Mäenpää
#51 LB
Väinö Nybacka
Väinö Nybacka
#53 OL
Raul Khalifa
Raul Khalifa (A )
#56 LB
Elmeri Kojonen
Elmeri Kojonen
#57 OL
Mattias Enno Kass
Mattias Enno Kass (A )
#58 DL
Sami-Janne Tuominen
Sami-Janne Tuominen
#59 OL
Felix Kallio
Felix Kallio
#62 OL
Johan Kennedy
Johan Kennedy
#70 OL
Samu Suominen
Samu Suominen
#71 OL
Jan Finne
Jan Finne
#74 OL
Seppo Evwaraye
Seppo Evwaraye
#77 OL
Oskari Korkeamäki
Oskari Korkeamäki
#84 WR
Bruno Escobar
Bruno Escobar
#88 WR
Axel Arvila
Axel Arvila
#90 DL
Mauno-Martin Blond
Mauno-Martin Blond
#96 DL
Martti Kass
Martti Kass
#97 DL
Anton Silfver
Anton Silfver
#99 DB




Roni Viinamäki
Elias Haapamäki (A )
Rufail Khalifa
Viggo Rönnlund (A )
Jani Manderbacka
Joonatan Purtola
Antti Tuovinen
Advan Kelmendi (A )
Joona Leppänen
Jasper Stagnäs (A )
Alexander Dirisha
Riku Saarela
Joonas Karhu
Juho Keränen
Robin Khalifa
Arkady Naus


Jarno Häivälä
Laitahyökkääjien valmentaja
Timothy Morovick
Hyökkäyksen koordinaattori
Juha-matti Rajala
Juha Ramsila
Puolustuksen koordinaattori
Miika Salke GBC
Keskushyökkääjien valmentaja

Depth Chart

Roosters Roosters


  Starter backup
QB #7 Dimitrios Sinodinos #19 Jerry Silomaa
RB #6 Yusufa Lehtinen #33 Ville Hämäläinen
TE #87 Joni Kotro
WR #86 Santeri Juvonen #89 Willem Kajander
WR #13 Daniel Kittner #4 Anssi Ruohonen
WR #11 Santtu Vehkomäki
LT #53 Samuli Vehkomäki #75 Viktor Asklöf
LG #63 Aleksi Närhi #68 Topi Anttila
C #54 Mikko Toiminen
RG #64 Aki-Petteri Aho #68 Topi Anttila
RT #75 Viktor Asklöf #72 Tony Koskinen


  Starter backup
L DE #90 Toni Mälkki #3 Camille Gruel
DT #0 William Lydle #58 Eemil Raudas
DT #95 Malek Jaradat #78 Alexander Huhtaniemi
R DE #87 Joni Kotro #39 Aleksi Statsevich
LB #39 Aleksi Statsevich #12 Tuukka Hämäläinen
MLB #26 Taavi Aronpää #38 Aaro Rask
L CB #20 Oskari Toijala #36 Waraphon Prasopsin
NB #2 Aku Kattainen #15 Tommy Nylund
SS #8 Niko Kuikka #5 Akseli Olin
FS #12 Tuukka Hämäläinen #5 Akseli Olin
R CB #5 Akseli Olin #25 Eero Saarinen


  Starter backup
Place-kickers #5 Akseli Olin #0 William Lydle
Punters #5 Akseli Olin #0 William Lydle
Kick-returners #13 Daniel Kittner, #6 Yusufa Lehtinen, #33 Ville Hämäläinen #89 Willem Kajander
Punt returners #13 Daniel Kittner #86 Santeri Juvonen
Long snappers #78 Alexander Huhtaniemi #11 Santtu Vehkomäki
Holders #11 Santtu Vehkomäki #13 Daniel Kittner
Royals Royals


  Starter backup
QB #13 Timothy Morovick
RB #40 Tom Suoste #24 Oliver Vesiluoma
WR #84 Oskari Korkeamäki
WR #8 Alpha Jalloh
WR #88 Bruno Escobar
WR #10 Antonio Garcia Carme
LT #71 Samu Suominen #59 Sami-Janne Tuominen
LG #59 Sami-Janne Tuominen
C #57 Elmeri Kojonen
RG #53 Väinö Nybacka
RT #77 Seppo Evwaraye


  Starter backup
L DE #34 Aleksi Majaniemi
DT #90 Axel Arvila
DT #97 Martti Kass
R DE #33 Demarco Artis
SLB #2 Viktor Mänty
MLB #7 Lamin Latikka
WLB #56 Raul Khalifa
L CB #22 Joel Österholm
SS #30 Aaro Tuovinen
FS #6 Karim Limam
R CB #20 Joseph Sentama Penesumbu


  Starter backup
Place-kickers #24 Oliver Vesiluoma
Punters #88 Bruno Escobar #24 Oliver Vesiluoma
Kick-returners #8 Alpha Jalloh, #56 Raul Khalifa #6 Karim Limam
Punt returners #8 Alpha Jalloh
Long snappers #9 Jere Paananen #57 Elmeri Kojonen
Holders #13 Timothy Morovick