Lauantai 19.8.2023 kello 16:00
Pyynikin kenttä, Tampere / 
Miesten I-divisioona - 
Pudotuspelit - Pudotuspelit


Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023)

Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023)


Scoring Summary

Scoring Summary (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

Spartans (3-3) vs. Tampere Saints (6-0)

Date: Aug 19, 2023 • Site: Tampere  • Stadium: Pyynikin urh. kentta •  Attendance: 757

Score by Quarters  Score 
Spartans   0  0  0  7  7 
Tampere Saints   13  12  21  7  53 

1st  06:57  SAI   Tuomi K 25 yd pass from Robbins J (Laine O kick) 
         2 plays, 32 yards, TOP 0:38  0 - 7 
  04:25  SAI   Newell D 36 yd run (Laine O kick failed) 
         2 plays, 43 yards, TOP 0:33  0 - 13 
2nd  08:50  SAI   Airaksinen M 9 yd run (Laine O kick blockd) 
         6 plays, 83 yards, TOP 2:57  0 - 19 
  06:22  SAI   Hiltunen E 60 yd pass from Robbins J (Robbins J pass intcpt) 
         1 play, 55 yards, TOP 0:13  0 - 25 
3rd  08:49  SAI   Kurenniemi A 80 yd interception return (Laine O kick) 
           0 - 32 
  02:41  SAI   Robbins J 9 yd run (Laine O kick) 
         7 plays, 71 yards, TOP 3:05  0 - 39 
  00:24  SAI   Tuomi K 5 yd pass from Robbins J (Laine O kick) 
         2 plays, 27 yards, TOP 0:35  0 - 46 
4th  10:42  SAI   Tuhkanen J 14 yd pass from Robbins J (Laine O kick) 
         4 plays, 37 yards, TOP 1:06  0 - 53 
  08:06  SPA   Riihela J 17 yd run (Savolainen J kick) 
         6 plays, 58 yards, TOP 2:30  7 - 53 

Kickoff time: 16.00  • End of Game: 18.27  • Total elapsed time: 2h27min
Referee: Janhuba R  •  Umpire: Anttila V  •  Linesman: Hokman H  •  Line judge: Mustamand M  •  Back judge: Viitanen M  • 
Temperature: 20c  • Wind: 3m/s  • Weather: Aurinkoinen

Team Statistics

Team Statistics (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

 Team Totals  SPA  SAI 
FIRST DOWNS  13  18 
   Passing  10 
   Rushing Attempts  40  23 
   Average Per Rush  2.5  6.9 
   Rushing Touchdowns 
   Yards Gained Rushing  154  159 
   Yards Lost Rushing  53 
   Completions-Attempts-Int  7-21-3  16-25-0 
   Average Per Attempt  3.8  12.1 
   Average Per Completion  11.3  18.9 
   Passing Touchdowns 
   Total offense plays  61  48 
   Average Gain Per Play  3.0  9.6 
Fumbles: Number-Lost  0-0  1-1 
Penalties: Number-Yards  10-59  7-68 
PUNTS-YARDS  4-128  1-47 
   Average Yards Per Punt  32.0  47.0 
   Net Yards Per Punt  25.5  47.0 
   Inside 20 
   50+ Yards 
   Fair catch 
KICKOFFS-YARDS  2-110  9-499 
   Average Yards Per Kickoff  55.0  55.4 
   Net Yards Per Kickoff  33.5  30.8 
Punt returns: Number-Yards-TD  0-0-0  1-26-0 
   Average Per Return  0.0  26.0 
Kickoff returns: Number-Yds-TD  9-222-0  2-43-0 
   Average Per Return  24.7  21.5 
Interceptions: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  3-80-1 
Fumble Returns: Number-Yds-TD  0-0-0  0-0-0 
Miscellaneous Yards 
Possession Time  28:25  19:26 
   1st Quarter  7:55  4:05 
   2nd Quarter  7:10  4:50 
   3rd Quarter  8:11  3:40 
   4th Quarter  5:09  6:51 
Third-Down Conversions  4 of 12  3 of 7 
Fourth-Down Conversions  0 of 4  1 of 2 
Red-Zone Scores-Chances  1-1  4-5 
   Touchdowns  1-1  4-5 
   Field goals  0-1  0-5 
Sacks By: Number-Yards  0-0  4-39 
PAT Kicks  1-1  5-7 
Field Goals  0-0  0-0 
Points off turnovers 

Individual Statistics

Individual Statistics (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

Tampere Saints
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Olney D   20  73  70  3.5 
Riihela J   34  33  17  6.6 
Vare K   24  24  21  8.0 
Tanninen K   1.5 
Makinen T   1.0 
Tolonen D   17  48  -31  -3.9 
Totals...  40  154  53  101  21  2.5 
RUSHING  No.  Gain  Loss  Net  TD  Lg  Avg. 
Newell D   68  68  36  13.6 
Robbins J   10  66  66  22  6.6 
Airaksinen M   20  20  5.0 
Aspinen M   1.2 
Totals...  23  159  159  36  6.9 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Tolonen D   5-15-2  56  21 
Riihela J   2-6-1  23  13 
Totals...  7-21-3  79  21 
PASSING  Cmp-Att-Int  Yds  TD  Long  Sack 
Robbins J   16-25-0  303  60 
Totals...  16-25-0  303  60 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Riihela J   39  21 
Liski M   13  13 
Tanninen K   13  13 
Tiainen V   10  10 
Jokinen T  
Totals...  79  21 
RECEIVING  No.  Yds  TD  Lg 
Hiltunen E   84  60 
Tuomi K   62  32 
Ojala E   48  26 
Tuhkanen J   40  26 
Raty T   40  40 
Uotila R   15  15 
Aspinen M  
Newell D  
Totals...  16  303  60 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Riihela J   128  32.0  44 
Totals...  128  32.0  44 
PUNTING  No.  Yds  Avg  Long  In20  TB 
Hiltunen E   47  47.0  47 
Totals...  47  47.0  47 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Riihela J   114  62 
Tiainen V   91  23 
Korpela M   17  17 
Totals...  222  62 
   Punts  Kickoffs  Intercept 
ALL RETURNS  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg  No  Yds  Lg 
Newell D   26  26  43  22 
Kurenniemi A   80  80 
Haukka R  
Angervo J  
Totals...  26  26  43  22  80  80 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Riihela J   33  39  114  186 
Tiainen V   10  91  101 
Olney D   70  70 
Vare K   24  24 
Korpela M   17  17 
Tanninen K   13  16 
Liski M   13  13 
Jokinen T  
Makinen T  
Tolonen D   -31  -31 
Totals...  101  79  222  402 
ALL PURPOSE  Rush  Rcv  KR  PR  IR  Total 
Newell D   68  43  26  143 
Hiltunen E   84  84 
Kurenniemi A   80  80 
Robbins J   66  66 
Tuomi K   62  62 
Ojala E   48  48 
Raty T   40  40 
Tuhkanen J   40  40 
Airaksinen M   20  20 
Uotila R   15  15 
Aspinen M   13 
Totals...  159  303  43  26  80  611 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Savolainen J   110  55.0 
KICKOFFS  No.  Yds  TB  OB  Avg. 
Tuomi K   499  55.4 
FUMBLES: Spartans-None. Tampere Saints-Aspinen M 1-1.

Drive Chart

Drive Chart (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
SPA   1st  S10  09:06  Downs  S14  07:35     Punt  3-4  1:31    
SPA   1st  S33  06:37  Kickoff  S18  04:58     Punt  3--15  1:39    
SPA   1st  S21  04:19  Kickoff  H46  11:47     Punt  8-33  4:32    
SPA   2nd  H35  08:36  Kickoff  H45  06:35     Downs  4--10  2:01    
SPA   2nd  S34  06:17  Kickoff  S46  03:41     Interception  5-12  2:36    
SPA   2nd  S27  02:36  Punt  S24  00:35     Punt  5--3  2:01    
SPA   3rd  S28  11:53  Kickoff  H27  08:49     Interception  7-45  3:04    
SPA   3rd  S32  08:44  Kickoff  H29  05:46     Downs  7-39  2:58    
SPA   3rd  S24  02:32  Kickoff  S27  00:59     Downs  4-3  1:33    
SPA   4th  S29  11:56  Kickoff  S37  11:48     Downs  4-8  0:08    
SPA   4th  S42  10:36  Kickoff  H00  08:06  TOUCHDOWN  6-58  2:30 
SPA   4th  S38  04:01  Fumble  S32  01:40     Interception  5--6  2:21    
SAI   1st  H30  12:00  Kickoff  S10  09:06     Downs  6-60  2:54 
SAI   1st  S32  07:35  Punt  S00  06:57  TOUCHDOWN  2-32  0:38    
SAI   1st  S43  04:58  Punt  S00  04:25  TOUCHDOWN  2-43  0:33    
SAI   2nd  H17  11:47  Punt  S00  08:50  TOUCHDOWN  6-83  2:57 
SAI   2nd  H45  06:35  Downs  S00  06:22  TOUCHDOWN  1-55  0:13    
SAI   2nd  H24  03:41  Interception  H26  02:36     Punt  3-2  1:05    
SAI   2nd  H46  00:35  Punt  S23  00:00     End of half  5-31  0:35    
SAI   3rd  S00  08:49  Interception  S00  08:49  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    
SAI   3rd  H29  05:46  Downs  S00  02:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-71  3:05 
SAI   3rd  S27  00:59  Downs  S00  00:24  TOUCHDOWN  2-27  0:35 
SAI   4th  S37  11:48  Downs  S00  10:42  TOUCHDOWN  4-37  1:06 
SAI   4th  H33  07:59  Kickoff  S38  04:01     Fumble  8-29  3:58    
SAI   4th  S42  01:40  Interception  S42  00:00     End of half  2-0  1:40    

   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Spartans   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   07:55   07:10   08:11   05:09      15:05   13:20      28:25  
3rd Down Conversions   1/4   1/3   0/2   2/3      2/7   2/5      4/12  
Average field position  S21   S42   S28   S40      S31   S32      S31  
4th Down Conversions   0/0   0/1   0/2   0/1      0/1   0/3      0/4  
   1st  2nd  3rd  4th     1st  2nd       
Tampere Saints   Qtr  Qtr  Qtr  Qtr     Half  Half     Total 
Time of possession   04:05   04:50   03:40   06:51      08:55   10:31      19:26  
3rd Down Conversions   0/1   0/2   1/1   2/3      0/3   3/4      3/7  
Average field position  S49   H33   S49   S49      H41   S49      H45  
4th Down Conversions   0/1   0/0   0/0   1/1      0/1   1/1      1/2  

Drive Chart (By Quarter)

   Drive Started  Drive Ended  Consumed    
Team  Qtr  Spot  Time  Obtained  Spot  Time     How Lost  Pl-Yds  TOP  RZ 
SAI   1st  H30  12:00  Kickoff  S10  09:06     Downs  6-60  2:54 
SPA   1st  S10  09:06  Downs  S14  07:35     Punt  3-4  1:31    
SAI   1st  S32  07:35  Punt  S00  06:57  TOUCHDOWN  2-32  0:38    
SPA   1st  S33  06:37  Kickoff  S18  04:58     Punt  3--15  1:39    
SAI   1st  S43  04:58  Punt  S00  04:25  TOUCHDOWN  2-43  0:33    
SPA   1st  S21  04:19  Kickoff  H46  11:47     Punt  8-33  4:32    
SAI   2nd  H17  11:47  Punt  S00  08:50  TOUCHDOWN  6-83  2:57 
SPA   2nd  H35  08:36  Kickoff  H45  06:35     Downs  4--10  2:01    
SAI   2nd  H45  06:35  Downs  S00  06:22  TOUCHDOWN  1-55  0:13    
SPA   2nd  S34  06:17  Kickoff  S46  03:41     Interception  5-12  2:36    
SAI   2nd  H24  03:41  Interception  H26  02:36     Punt  3-2  1:05    
SPA   2nd  S27  02:36  Punt  S24  00:35     Punt  5--3  2:01    
SAI   2nd  H46  00:35  Punt  S23  00:00     End of half  5-31  0:35    
SPA   3rd  S28  11:53  Kickoff  H27  08:49     Interception  7-45  3:04    
SAI   3rd  S00  08:49  Interception  S00  08:49  TOUCHDOWN  0-0  0:00    
SPA   3rd  S32  08:44  Kickoff  H29  05:46     Downs  7-39  2:58    
SAI   3rd  H29  05:46  Downs  S00  02:41  TOUCHDOWN  7-71  3:05 
SPA   3rd  S24  02:32  Kickoff  S27  00:59     Downs  4-3  1:33    
SAI   3rd  S27  00:59  Downs  S00  00:24  TOUCHDOWN  2-27  0:35 
SPA   4th  S29  11:56  Kickoff  S37  11:48     Downs  4-8  0:08    
SAI   4th  S37  11:48  Downs  S00  10:42  TOUCHDOWN  4-37  1:06 
SPA   4th  S42  10:36  Kickoff  H00  08:06  TOUCHDOWN  6-58  2:30 
SAI   4th  H33  07:59  Kickoff  S38  04:01     Fumble  8-29  3:58    
SPA   4th  S38  04:01  Fumble  S32  01:40     Interception  5--6  2:21    
SAI   4th  S42  01:40  Interception  S42  00:00     End of half  2-0  1:40    

Defensive Statistics

Defensive Statistics (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

##  Spartans   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
44  Korpela M   7.5  .   .   .   .  
9   Tapio K   4.5  .   .   .   .  
32  Kanerva L   3.5  .   .   .   .  
70  Mannila A   2.0  .   .   .   .  
22  Koskenkanto L   2.0  .   .   .   .  
4   Tanninen K   1.5  .   .   .   .  
2   Ersan A   1.5  .   .   .   .  
99  Viitanen E   1.0  .   1-0   .   .  
24  Valkama M   1.0  .   .   .   .  
58  Makela S   1.0  .   .   .   .  
93  Savolainen J   1.0  .   .   .   .  
29  Mansikkamaki P   1.0  .   .   .   .  
91  Hanhisalo A   0.5  .   .   .   .  
0   Aaltonen R   0.5  .   .   .   .  
83  Nuutinen J   0.5  .   .   .   .  
TM  Team Spartans   .   .   .   .   .  
##  Tampere Saints   Solo  Ast  Total  TFL/Yds  FF  FR-Yds  Int-Yds  BrUp  Blkd  Sack/Yds  QBH 
56  Isbell P   9.5  3.0/16   .   .   1.0/13  
14  Lehtio M   6.0  .   .   .   .  
98  Pietikainen V   5.0  3.0/19   .   .   1.0/9  
4   Kanerva T   4.5  .   .   .   .  
29  Sulin J   4.5  1.0/10   .   .   1.0/10  
33  Angervo J   3.5  .   .   1-0   .  
26  Hakkinen E   3.5  1.0/1   .   .   .  
60  Bersanetti D   3.5  .   .   .   .  
91  Illikainen L   3.0  .   .   .   .  
44  Haukka R   2.5  .   .   1-0   .  
6   Chaves D   1.5  1.0/9   .   .   1.0/9  
12  Jukko R   1.5  .   .   .   .  
0   Raty T   1.0  .   .   .   .  
37  Kurenniemi A   1.0  .   .   1-80  .  
24  Hamalainen S   1.0  1.0/7   .   .   1.0/7  
3   Hammar T   0.5  .   .   .   .  
47  Ruoste V   .   .   .   .   .  

Participation Report

Participation Report (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   15  Tolonen D  
RB   10  Olney D  
WR   3   Tiainen V  
WR   5   Riihela J  
WR   81  Liski M  
WR   82  Jokinen T  
LT   68  Seitsonen V  
LG   70  Mannila A  
C   73  Patteri A  
RG   71  Rissanen I  
RT   74  Silmola J  
Pos  ##  Defense 
LDE   91  Hanhisalo A  
DT   2   Ersan A  
NT   0   Aaltonen R  
RDE   99  Viitanen E  
MLB   44  Korpela M  
WLB   58  Makela S  
LCB   22  Koskenkanto L  
NB   29  Mansikkamaki P  
SS   9   Tapio K  
FS   24  Valkama M  
RCB   32  Kanerva L  
Tampere Saints  
Pos  ##  Offense 
QB   10  Robbins J  
RB   5   Newell D  
TE   0   Raty T  
WR   13  Uotila R  
WR   31  Hiltunen E  
WR   25  Ojala E  
LT   73  Hytonen T  
LG   78  Pietila J  
C   79  Toiminen H  
RG   63  Terenius V  
RT   60  Bersanetti D  
Tampere Saints  
Pos  ##  Defense 
DT   56  Isbell P  
DT   91  Illikainen L  
NT   92  Kuusisto J  
LB   14  Lehtio M  
MLB   29  Sulin J  
WLB   98  Pietikainen V  
CB   6   Chaves D  
NB   44  Haukka R  
SS   4   Kanerva T  
FS   33  Angervo J  
CB   37  Kurenniemi A  

Spartans: 4-Tanninen K, 7-Makinen T, 12-Vilpponen P, 13-Lindstrom J, 28-Vare K, 39-Sorjonen S, 41-Rahkjarvi S, 57-Kuusisto R, 66-Jarvinen V, 75-Kauppila A, 77-Suonpaa A, 83-Nuutinen J, 93-Savolainen J, 98-Skippari J.

Tampere Saints: 1-Aspinen M, 3-Hammar T, 7-Airaksinen M, 11-Ravander J, 12-Jukko R, 20-Rajalakso T, 21-Tuhkanen J, 24-Hamalainen S, 26-Hakkinen E, 32-Rajalakso N, 47-Ruoste V, 52-Tarkkala T, 71-Valentin R, 80-Tuomi K, 81-Koivisto E-K, 83-Yla-Rotiala M, 87-Nieminen E, 89-Laine O.

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

1st Quarter

Spartans voittaa kolikonheiton ja siirsi. Saints palauttaa lannesta.
Savolainen J kickoff 57 yards to the SAI8, Newell D return 22 yards to the SAI30, out-of-bounds (Tapio K).
Sai 1-10at Sai30Robbins J pass complete to Raty T for 40 yards to the SPA30, 1ST DOWN SAI (Kanerva L).
Sai 1-10at Spa30Newell D rush for 17 yards to the SPA13, 1ST DOWN SAI (Koskenkanto L).
Sai 1-10at Spa13Robbins J rush for no gain to the SPA13 (Korpela M).
Sai 2-10at Spa13Newell D rush for 1 yard to the SPA12 (Ersan A).
Sai 3-9at Spa12PENALTY SAI false start (Ojala E) 5 yards to the SPA17.
Sai 3-14at Spa17Robbins J pass incomplete to Newell D.
Sai 4-14at Spa17Timeout Spartans, clock 09:14.
Sai 4-14at Spa17Robbins J rush for 7 yards to the SPA10, out-of-bounds (Korpela M).
Drive: 6 plays, 60 yards, TOP 02:54
Spa 1-10at Spa10SPARTANS drive start at 09:06.
Spa 1-10at Spa10Timeout Spartans, clock 09:06.
Spa 1-10at Spa10Tolonen D pass incomplete to Tiainen V, dropped pass.
Spa 2-10at Spa10Olney D rush for 5 yards to the SPA15 (Isbell P;Sulin J).
Spa 3-5at Spa15Riihela J rush for loss of 1 yard to the SPA14 (Isbell P).
Spa 4-6at Spa14Riihela J punt 44 yards to the SAI42, Newell D return 26 yards to the SPA32 (Mannila A).
Drive: 3 plays, 4 yards, TOP 01:31
Sai 1-10at Spa32TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 07:35.
Sai 1-10at Spa32Robbins J pass complete to Hiltunen E for 7 yards to the SPA25 (Kanerva L;Tapio K).
Sai 2-3at Spa25Robbins J pass complete to Tuomi K for 25 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:57.
Laine O kick attempt good, PENALTY SPA offside defense declined.
Tampere Saints 7, Spartans 0
Drive: 2 plays, 32 yards, TOP 00:58
Tuomi K kickoff 56 yards to the SPA9, Riihela J return 24 yards to the SPA33 (Hakkinen E).
Spa 1-10at Spa33SPARTANS drive start at 06:37.
Spa 1-10at Spa33Olney D rush for 4 yards to the SPA37 (Lehtio M).
Spa 2-6at Spa37PENALTY SPA false start (Tiainen V) 5 yards to the SPA32.
Spa 2-11at Spa32PENALTY SPA false start (Patteri A) 5 yards to the SPA27.
Spa 2-16at Spa27Tolonen D pass incomplete (Haukka R).
Spa 3-16at Spa27Tolonen D rush for loss of 9 yards to the SPA18 (Pietikainen V) (Pietikainen V).
Spa 4-25at Spa18Riihela J punt 25 yards to the SPA43, out-of-bounds.
Drive: 3 plays, minus 15 yards, TOP 01:39
Sai 1-10at Spa43TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 04:58.
Sai 1-10at Spa43Robbins J rush for 7 yards to the SPA36, out-of-bounds (Valkama M).
Sai 2-3at Spa36Newell D rush for 36 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 04:25.
Laine O kick attempt failed.
Tampere Saints 13, Spartans 0
Drive: 2 plays, 43 yards, TOP 00:39
Tuomi K kickoff 60 yards to the SPA5, Tiainen V return 16 yards to the SPA21 (Bersanetti D).
Spa 1-10at Spa21SPARTANS drive start at 04:19.
Spa 1-10at Spa21Olney D rush for 1 yard to the SPA22 (Illikainen L;Isbell P).
Spa 2-9at Spa22Olney D rush for 3 yards to the SPA25 (Isbell P).
Spa 3-6at Spa25Tolonen D pass complete to Riihela J for 21 yards to the SPA46, 1ST DOWN SPA (Kurenniemi A).
Spa 1-10at Spa46Olney D rush for 9 yards to the SAI45 (Illikainen L).
Spa 2-1at Sai45Tolonen D pass incomplete to Riihela J (Kurenniemi A).
Spa 3-1at Sai45PENALTY SAI offside defense (Isbell P) 5 yards to the SAI40, 1ST DOWN SPA.
Spa 1-10at Sai40Tanninen K rush for 2 yards to the SAI38 (Sulin J;Isbell P).
Spa 2-8at Sai38Tanninen K rush for 1 yard to the SAI37 (Lehtio M;Illikainen L).
Spa 3-7at Sai37Tolonen D sacked for loss of 9 yards to the SAI46 (Chaves D).
Drive: 8 plays, 33 yards, TOP 04:32
Tampere Saints 13, Spartans 0
2nd Quarter

Spa 4-16at Sai46Start of 2nd quarter, clock 12:00.
Spa 4-16at Sai46Riihela J punt 29 yards to the SAI17, downed.
Drive: 8 plays, 33 yards, TOP 04:32
Sai 1-10at Sai17TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 11:47.
Sai 1-10at Sai17Robbins J pass complete to Tuomi K for 32 yards to the SAI49, 1ST DOWN SAI (Korpela M).
Sai 1-10at Sai49Airaksinen M rush for 3 yards to the SPA48 (Korpela M).
Sai 2-7at Spa48Robbins J pass complete to Tuomi K for 33 yards to the SPA15 (Tapio K), PENALTY SAI face mask (Tuomi K) 18 yards to the SPA30, NO PLAY.
Sai 2-25at Spa30Robbins J pass incomplete to Hiltunen E.
Sai 3-25at Spa302nd and 10.
Sai 2-10at Spa30Robbins J pass complete to Uotila R for 15 yards to the SPA15, 1ST DOWN SAI (Tapio K).
Sai 1-10at Spa15Robbins J rush for 6 yards to the SPA9, out-of-bounds (Koskenkanto L).
Sai 2-4at Spa09Airaksinen M rush for 9 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:50.
Laine O kick attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Team Spartans).
Tampere Saints 19, Spartans 0
Drive: 6 plays, 47 yards, TOP 03:11
Tuomi K kickoff 62 yards to the SPA3, Riihela J return 62 yards to the SAI35 (Hakkinen E).
Spa 1-10at Sai35SPARTANS drive start at 08:36.
Spa 1-10at Sai35Tolonen D rush for 4 yards to the SAI31 (Isbell P;Illikainen L).
Spa 2-6at Sai31Olney D rush for 6 yards to the SAI25 (Haukka R), PENALTY SPA assisting the runner (Jokinen T) 1 yards to the SAI30, NO PLAY.
Spa 2-7at Sai30Olney D rush for no gain to the SAI30 (Isbell P).
Spa 3-7at Sai30PENALTY SPA false start (Tolonen D) 5 yards to the SAI35.
Spa 3-12at Sai35Tolonen D pass incomplete to Liski M.
Spa 4-12at Sai35Tolonen D sacked for loss of 10 yards to the SAI45 (Sulin J).
Drive: 4 plays, minus 12 yards, TOP 02:01
Sai 1-10at Sai45TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 06:35.
Sai 1-10at Sai45PENALTY SAI false start (Airaksinen M) 5 yards to the SAI40.
Sai 1-15at Sai40Robbins J pass complete to Hiltunen E for 60 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 06:22.
Robbins J pass attempt failed (blocked) (blocked by Mansikkamaki P).
Tampere Saints 25, Spartans 0
Drive: 1 plays, 55 yards, TOP 00:18
Tuomi K kickoff 43 yards to the SPA22, Tiainen V return 12 yards to the SPA34 (Bersanetti D).
Spa 1-10at Spa34SPARTANS drive start at 06:17.
Spa 1-10at Spa34Olney D rush for 7 yards to the SPA41 (Lehtio M;Angervo J).
Spa 2-3at Spa41Olney D rush for 2 yards to the SPA43 (Sulin J).
Spa 3-1at Spa43Olney D rush for 4 yards to the SPA47, 1ST DOWN SPA (Isbell P;Kanerva T).
Spa 1-10at Spa47Tolonen D pass complete to Jokinen T for 4 yards to the SAI49.
Spa 2-6at Sai49PENALTY SPA false start (Liski M) 5 yards to the SPA46.
Spa 2-11at Spa46Tolonen D pass intercepted by Haukka R at the SAI24, Haukka R return 0 yards to the SAI24.
Drive: 5 plays, 12 yards, TOP 02:36
Sai 1-10at Sai24TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 03:41.
Sai 1-10at Sai24Aspinen M rush for 2 yards to the SAI26 (Tapio K).
Sai 2-8at Sai26Robbins J pass incomplete.
Sai 3-8at Sai26Robbins J pass incomplete to Uotila R, dropped pass.
Sai 4-8at Sai26Hiltunen E punt 47 yards to the SPA27, downed.
Drive: 3 plays, 2 yards, TOP 01:05
Spa 1-10at Spa27SPARTANS drive start at 02:36.
Spa 1-10at Spa27Olney D rush for 8 yards to the SPA35 (Kanerva T).
Spa 2-2at Spa35Olney D rush for 3 yards to the SPA38, 1ST DOWN SPA (Lehtio M;Sulin J).
Spa 1-10at Spa38Tolonen D rush for 6 yards to the SPA44 (Haukka R;Lehtio M).
Spa 2-4at Spa44Tolonen D sacked for loss of 7 yards to the SPA37 (Hamalainen S).
Spa 3-11at Spa37Tolonen D sacked for loss of 13 yards to the SPA24 (Isbell P).
Spa 4-24at Spa24Timeout Tampere Saints, clock 00:44.
Spa 4-24at Spa24Riihela J punt 30 yards to the SAI46, downed.
Drive: 5 plays, minus 3 yards, TOP 02:01
Sai 1-10at Sai46TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 00:35.
Sai 1-10at Sai46Robbins J pass complete to Newell D for 6 yards to the SPA48 (Kanerva L).
Sai 2-4at Spa48Robbins J pass complete to Ojala E for 18 yards to the SPA30, 1ST DOWN SAI (Korpela M).
Sai 1-10at Spa30Robbins J pass incomplete.
Sai 2-10at Spa30Robbins J rush for 7 yards to the SPA23, out-of-bounds.
Sai 3-3at Spa23Timeout Spartans, clock 00:03.
Sai 3-3at Spa23Robbins J pass incomplete to Newell D.
Sai 4-3at Spa23End of half, clock 00:00.
Drive: 5 plays, 31 yards, TOP 00:35
Tampere Saints 25, Spartans 0
3rd Quarter

Sai 4-3at Spa23Start of 3rd quarter, clock 12:00, SAI ball on SAI35.
Drive: 5 plays, 31 yards, TOP 00:35
Tuomi K kickoff 60 yards to the SPA5, Tiainen V return 23 yards to the SPA28 (Haukka R).
Spa 1-10at Spa28SPARTANS drive start at 11:53.
Spa 1-10at Spa28Olney D rush for 4 yards to the SPA32 (Isbell P).
Spa 2-6at Spa32Tolonen D pass complete to Riihela J for 18 yards to the 50 yardline, 1ST DOWN SPA, out-of-bounds (Angervo J).
Spa 1-10at Spa50Olney D rush for 2 yards to the SAI48 (Pietikainen V).
Spa 2-8at Sai48Olney D rush for 9 yards to the SAI39, 1ST DOWN SPA (Angervo J).
Spa 1-10at Sai39Tolonen D pass complete to Liski M for 13 yards to the SAI26, 1ST DOWN SPA (Chaves D;Kanerva T).
Spa 1-10at Sai26Olney D rush for loss of 1 yard to the SAI27 (Pietikainen V).
Spa 2-11at Sai27Tolonen D pass intercepted by Kurenniemi A at the SAI20, Kurenniemi A return 80 yards to the SPA0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:49.
Drive: 7 plays, 45 yards, TOP 03:04
Laine O kick attempt good.
Tampere Saints 32, Spartans 0
Tuomi K kickoff 61 yards to the SPA4, Riihela J return 28 yards to the SPA32 (Lehtio M).
Spa 1-10at Spa32SPARTANS drive start at 08:44.
Spa 1-10at Spa32Olney D rush for 4 yards to the SPA36 (Jukko R).
Spa 2-6at Spa36Olney D rush for 4 yards to the SPA40 (Raty T).
Spa 3-2at Spa40PENALTY SAI personal foul (Pietikainen V) 15 yards to the SAI45, 1ST DOWN SPA.
Spa 1-10at Sai45Olney D rush for 3 yards to the SAI42 (Pietikainen V).
Spa 2-7at Sai42Tolonen D pass incomplete to Liski M (Chaves D), PENALTY SAI pass interference (Chaves D) 15 yards to the SAI27, 1ST DOWN SPA, NO PLAY.
Spa 1-10at Sai27Olney D rush for loss of 2 yards to the SAI29 (Isbell P).
Spa 2-12at Sai29Tolonen D pass complete to Riihela J for no gain to the SAI29 (Angervo J).
Spa 3-12at Sai29Tolonen D pass incomplete.
Spa 4-12at Sai29Tolonen D pass incomplete to Riihela J.
Drive: 7 plays, 39 yards, TOP 02:58
Sai 1-10at Sai29TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 05:46.
Sai 1-10at Sai29PENALTY SPA offside defense (Ersan A) 5 yards to the SAI34.
Sai 1-5at Sai34Robbins J pass incomplete to Uotila R.
Sai 2-5at Sai34Robbins J pass complete to Ojala E for 4 yards to the SAI38 (Tapio K).
Sai 3-1at Sai38Robbins J rush for 8 yards to the SAI46, 1ST DOWN SAI, out-of-bounds.
Sai 1-10at Sai46Robbins J pass complete to Ojala E for 26 yards to the SPA28, 1ST DOWN SAI (Makela S).
Sai 1-10at Spa28Newell D rush for 13 yards to the SPA15, 1ST DOWN SAI, out-of-bounds (Kanerva L).
Sai 1-10at Spa15Airaksinen M rush for 6 yards to the SPA9 (Mansikkamaki P).
Sai 2-4at Spa09Robbins J rush for 9 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 02:41.
Laine O kick attempt good.
Tampere Saints 39, Spartans 0
Drive: 7 plays, 71 yards, TOP 03:14
Tuomi K kickoff 60 yards to the SPA5, Tiainen V return 19 yards to the SPA24 (Bersanetti D).
Spa 1-10at Spa24SPARTANS drive start at 02:32.
Spa 1-10at Spa24Olney D rush for 1 yard to the SPA25 (Jukko R;Kanerva T).
Spa 2-9at Spa25Tolonen D pass incomplete to Riihela J.
Spa 3-9at Spa25Tolonen D rush for 7 yards to the SPA32 (Isbell P).
Spa 4-2at Spa32PENALTY SPA false start (Riihela J) 5 yards to the SPA27.
Spa 4-7at Spa27Tolonen D pass incomplete to Riihela J, PENALTY SPA illegal formation declined.
Drive: 4 plays, 3 yards, TOP 01:33
Sai 1-10at Spa27TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 00:59.
Sai 1-10at Spa27Robbins J rush for 22 yards to the SPA5, 1ST DOWN SAI, out-of-bounds.
Sai 1-Gat Spa05Robbins J pass complete to Tuomi K for 5 yards to the SPA0, TOUCHDOWN, clock 00:24.
Laine O kick attempt good.
Tampere Saints 46, Spartans 0
Drive: 2 plays, 27 yards, TOP 00:44
Tuomi K kickoff 57 yards to the SPA8, Tiainen V return 21 yards to the SPA29 (Haukka R).
Spa 1-10at Spa29SPARTANS drive start at 00:15.
Spa 1-10at Spa29Vare K rush for 1 yard to the SPA30 (Lehtio M).
Spa 2-9at Spa30Riihela J rush for 7 yards to the SPA37 (Sulin J).
Drive: 2 plays, 8 yards, TOP 00:08
Tampere Saints 46, Spartans 0
4th Quarter

Spa 3-2at Spa37Start of 4th quarter, clock 12:00.
Spa 3-2at Spa37Riihela J pass incomplete to Jokinen T (Jukko R).
Spa 4-2at Spa37SPARTANS drive start at 11:56.
Spa 4-2at Spa37Riihela J pass incomplete to Jokinen T (Hakkinen E).
Drive: 4 plays, 8 yards, TOP 00:08
Sai 1-10at Spa37TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 11:48.
Sai 1-10at Spa37Robbins J pass complete to Tuhkanen J for 26 yards to the SPA11, 1ST DOWN SAI, out-of-bounds.
Sai 1-10at Spa11Robbins J pass incomplete to Uotila R (Tapio K).
Sai 2-10at Spa11Robbins J pass complete to Tuhkanen J for 11 yards to the SPA0, clock 11:18, PENALTY SAI IF 5 yards to the SPA16, NO PLAY.
Sai 2-15at Spa16Airaksinen M rush for 2 yards to the SPA14 (Korpela M).
Sai 3-13at Spa14Robbins J pass complete to Tuhkanen J for 14 yards to the SPA0, 1ST DOWN SAI, TOUCHDOWN, clock 10:42.
Laine O kick attempt good.
Tampere Saints 53, Spartans 0
Drive: 4 plays, 37 yards, TOP 01:12
Tuomi K kickoff 40 yards to the SPA25, Korpela M return 17 yards to the SPA42 (Kanerva T).
Spa 1-10at Spa42SPARTANS drive start at 10:36.
Spa 1-10at Spa42Vare K rush for 21 yards to the SAI37, 1ST DOWN SPA (Hammar T;Hakkinen E).
Spa 1-10at Sai37Vare K rush for 2 yards to the SAI35 (Lehtio M).
Spa 2-8at Sai35Riihela J pass complete to Tiainen V for 10 yards to the SAI25, 1ST DOWN SPA.
Spa 1-10at Sai25Riihela J rush for 8 yards to the SAI17, out-of-bounds (Kanerva T).
Spa 2-2at Sai17Riihela J pass incomplete to Tanninen K (Ruoste V).
Spa 3-2at Sai17Riihela J rush for 17 yards to the SAI0, 1ST DOWN SPA, TOUCHDOWN, clock 08:06.
Spa 1-Gat Sai03PENALTY SPA delay of game 5 yards to the SAI8.
Savolainen J kick attempt good.
Tampere Saints 53, Spartans 7
Drive: 6 plays, 58 yards, TOP 02:37
Savolainen J kickoff 53 yards to the SAI12, Newell D return 21 yards to the SAI33 (Mannila A).
Sai 1-10at Sai33TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 07:59.
Sai 1-10at Sai33Robbins J pass incomplete to Hiltunen E.
Sai 2-10at Sai33Robbins J pass complete to Aspinen M for 8 yards to the SAI41 (Ersan A;Nuutinen J).
Sai 3-2at Sai41Robbins J pass complete to Hiltunen E for 10 yards to the SPA49, 1ST DOWN SAI (Savolainen J).
Sai 1-10at Spa49Robbins J pass complete to Hiltunen E for 7 yards to the SPA42 (Tanninen K).
Sai 2-3at Spa42Aspinen M rush for 2 yards to the SPA40 (Korpela M).
Sai 3-1at Spa40Aspinen M rush for no gain to the SPA40 (Korpela M;Tanninen K).
Sai 4-1at Spa40Newell D rush for 1 yard to the SPA39, 1ST DOWN SAI (Aaltonen R;Hanhisalo A).
Sai 1-10at Spa39Aspinen M rush for 2 yards to the SPA37, fumble forced by Viitanen E, fumble by Aspinen M recovered by SPA Viitanen E at SPA38.
Drive: 8 plays, 29 yards, TOP 03:58
Spa 1-10at Spa38SPARTANS drive start at 04:01.
Spa 1-10at Spa38Makinen T rush for loss of 1 yard to the SPA37 (Hakkinen E).
Spa 2-11at Spa37Riihela J rush for 2 yards to the SPA39, out-of-bounds.
Spa 3-9at Spa39Riihela J pass complete to Tanninen K for 13 yards to the SAI48, 1ST DOWN SPA, out-of-bounds.
Spa 1-10at Sai48Makinen T rush for 3 yards to the SAI45 (Bersanetti D;Illikainen L).
Spa 2-7at Sai45Riihela J pass incomplete, PENALTY SPA intentional grounding (Olney D) 13 yards to the SPA42, NO PLAY.
Spa 2-20at Spa42Riihela J rush for 25 yards to the SAI33, out-of-bounds, PENALTY SPA holding (Patteri A) 10 yards to the SPA32, NO PLAY.
Spa 2-30at Spa32Riihela J pass intercepted by Angervo J at the SPA42, Angervo J return 0 yards to the SPA42.
Drive: 5 plays, minus 6 yards, TOP 02:21
Sai 1-10at Spa42TAMPERE SAINTS drive start at 01:40.
Sai 1-10at Spa42Robbins J rush for no gain to the SPA42.
Sai 2-10at Spa42Robbins J rush for no gain to the SPA42.
Sai 3-10at Spa42End of game, clock 00:00.
Drive: 2 plays, 0 yards, TOP 01:40
Tampere Saints 53, Spartans 7

Play Breakdown Summary

Play Breakdown Summary (Final)
Miesten 1-divisioona 2023
Spartans vs Tampere Saints (Aug 19, 2023 at Tampere)

Spartans                               Tampere Saints

Down               RUN PASS  Total     Down               RUN PASS  Total

OVERALL..........   36   25     61     OVERALL..........   23   25     48
1ST DOWN.........   21    3     24     1ST DOWN.........   11   13     24
2ND DOWN-SHORT...    2    2      4     2ND DOWN-SHORT...    2    1      3
2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    1    2      3     2ND DOWN-MIDDLE..    2    2      4
2ND DOWN-LONG....    7    7     14     2ND DOWN-LONG....    4    4      8
3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    1      3     3RD DOWN-SHORT...    2    1      3
3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    0      0     3RD DOWN-MIDDLE..    0    1      1
3RD DOWN-LONG....    3    6      9     3RD DOWN-LONG....    0    3      3
4TH DOWN.........    0    4      4     4TH DOWN.........    2    0      2

Spartans                               Tampere Saints

Formation        RUN PASS  Total       Formation        RUN PASS  Total

...............   36   25     61       ...............   23   25     48

Spartans (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (21 RUN, 3 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 S46 #10 9 [ ] 1-10 S10 #15 to #3 - [ ] 1-10 S33 #10 4 [ ] 1-10 H39 #15 to #81 13 [ ] 1-10 S24 #10 1 [ ] 1-10 S47 #15 to #82 4 [ ] 1-10 S27 #10 8 [ ] 1-10 S28 #10 4 [ ] 1-10 S50 #10 2 [ ] 1-10 H26 #10 -1 [ ] 1-10 S32 #10 4 [ ] 1-10 H27 #10 -2 [ ] 1-10 H45 #10 3 [ ] 1-10 S21 #10 1 [ ] 1-10 S34 #10 7 [ ] 1-10 S38 #15 6 [ ] 1-10 H35 #15 4 [ ] 1-10 S42 #28 21 [ ] 1-10 H37 #28 2 [ ] 1-10 S29 #28 1 [ ] 1-10 H40 #4 2 [ ] 1-10 H25 #5 8 [ ] 1-10 H48 #7 3 [ ] 1-10 S38 #7 -1 [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 S41 #10 2 [ ] 2-2 H17 #5 to #4 - [ ] 2-2 S35 #10 3 [ ] 2-1 H45 #15 to #5 - [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (1 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-6 S36 #10 4 [ ] 2-6 S32 #15 to #5 18 [ ] 2-4 S44 #15 to # SACK [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (7 RUN, 7 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-7 H30 #10 0 [ ] 2-8 H35 #5 to #3 10 [ ] 2-8 H48 #10 9 [ ] 2-30 S32 #5 to #33 INT [ ] 2-9 S22 #10 3 [ ] 2-11 H27 #15 to #37 INT [ ] 2-10 S10 #10 5 [ ] 2-11 S46 #15 to #44 INT [ ] 2-8 H38 #4 1 [ ] 2-12 H29 #15 to #5 0 [ ] 2-9 S30 #5 7 [ ] 2-9 S25 #15 to #5 - [ ] 2-11 S37 #5 2 [ ] 2-16 S27 #15 to # - [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 S43 #10 4 [ ] 3-2 S37 #5 to #82 - [ ] 3-2 H17 #5 17 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 0 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3RD-LONG RUN (3 RUN, 6 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-16 S27 #15 -9 [ ] 3-9 S39 #5 to #4 13 [ ] 3-9 S25 #15 7 [ ] 3-6 S25 #15 to #5 21 [ ] 3-5 S15 #5 -1 [ ] 3-12 H35 #15 to #81 - [ ] 3-11 S37 #15 to # SACK [ ] 3-12 H29 #15 to # - [ ] 3-7 H37 #15 to # SACK [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (0 RUN, 4 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-7 S27 #15 to #5 - [ ] 4-12 H29 #15 to #5 - [ ] 4-2 S37 #5 to #82 - [ ] 4-12 H35 #15 to # SACK [ ]
Tampere Saints (Sorted by Play type) 1ST DOWN RUN (11 RUN, 13 PASS) 1ST DOWN PASS 1-10 S39 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 H30 #10 to #0 40 [ ] 1-10 H24 #1 2 [ ] 1-10 S11 #10 to #13 - [ ] 1-10 S27 #10 22 [ ] 1-5 H34 #10 to #13 - [ ] 1-10 S43 #10 7 [ ] 1-10 S37 #10 to #21 26 [ ] 1-10 S42 #10 0 [ ] 1-10 H46 #10 to #25 26 [ ] 1-10 S15 #10 6 [ ] 1-10 S32 #10 to #31 7 [ ] 1-10 S13 #10 0 [ ] 1-10 S49 #10 to #31 7 [ ] 1-10 S28 #5 13 [ ] 1-15 H40 #10 to #31 60 [ ] 1-10 S30 #5 17 [ ] 1-10 H33 #10 to #31 - [ ] 1-10 S15 #7 6 [ ] 1-10 H46 #10 to #5 6 [ ] 1-10 H49 #7 3 [ ] 1-10 H17 #10 to #80 32 [ ] 1-5 S05 #10 to #80 5 [ ] 1-10 S30 #10 to # - [ ] 2ND-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 2ND-SHORT PASS 2-3 S42 #1 2 [ ] 2-3 S25 #10 to #80 25 [ ] 2-3 S36 #5 36 [ ] 2ND-MIDDLE RUN (2 RUN, 2 PASS) 2ND-MIDDLE PASS 2-4 S09 #10 9 [ ] 2-4 S48 #10 to #25 18 [ ] 2-4 S09 #7 9 [ ] 2-5 H34 #10 to #25 4 [ ] 2ND-LONG RUN (4 RUN, 4 PASS) 2ND-LONG PASS 2-10 S42 #10 0 [ ] 2-10 H33 #10 to #1 8 [ ] 2-10 S30 #10 7 [ ] 2-10 S30 #10 to #13 15 [ ] 2-10 S13 #5 1 [ ] 2-25 S30 #10 to #31 - [ ] 2-15 S16 #7 2 [ ] 2-8 H26 #10 to # - [ ] 3RD-SHORT RUN (2 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-SHORT PASS 3-1 S40 #1 0 [ ] 3-2 H41 #10 to #31 10 [ ] 3-1 H38 #10 8 [ ] 3RD-MIDDLE RUN (0 RUN, 1 PASS) 3RD-MIDDLE PASS 3-3 S23 #10 to #5 - [ ] 3RD-LONG RUN (0 RUN, 3 PASS) 3RD-LONG PASS 3-8 H26 #10 to #13 - [ ] 3-13 S14 #10 to #21 14 [ ] 3-14 S17 #10 to #5 - [ ] 4TH DOWN RUN (2 RUN, 0 PASS) 4TH DOWN PASS 4-14 S17 #10 7 [ ] 4-1 S40 #5 1 [ ]


Ottelutapahtumia ei ole kirjattu.


Tampere Saints Tampere Saints


Topias Räty
Topias Räty
#0 WR
Mikko Aspinen
Mikko Aspinen
#1 RB
Toni Hammar
Toni Hammar
#3 DB
Turo Kanerva
Turo Kanerva
#4 DB
Dajon Newell
Dajon Newell
#5 RB
David Chaves Jimenez
David Chaves Jimenez
#6 DB
Matti Airaksinen
Matti Airaksinen
#7 RB
Jessie Robbins JR
Jessie Robbins JR
#10 QB
Jarmo Ravander
Jarmo Ravander
#11 RB
Roope Jukko
Roope Jukko
#12 LB
Raafael Uotila
Raafael Uotila
#13 WR
Matias Lehtiö
Matias Lehtiö
#14 LB
Topias Rajalakso
Topias Rajalakso
#20 QB
Jere Tuhkanen
Jere Tuhkanen
#21 WR
Severi Hämäläinen
Severi Hämäläinen
#24 DB
Erkki Ojala
Erkki Ojala
#25 WR
Eero Häkkinen
Eero Häkkinen
#26 DB
Janne Sulin
Janne Sulin
#29 LB
Eero Hiltunen
Eero Hiltunen
#31 WR
Niklas Rajalakso
Niklas Rajalakso
#32 DB
Juho Angervo
Juho Angervo
#33 DB
Antti Kurenniemi
Antti Kurenniemi
#37 DB
Riku-Petteri Haukka
Riku-Petteri Haukka
#44 DB
Vilho Ruoste
Vilho Ruoste
#47 DB
Toni Tarkkala
Toni Tarkkala
#52 OL
Patrick Isbell
Patrick Isbell
#56 DL
Davide Bersanetti
Davide Bersanetti
#60 OL
Ville Terenius
Ville Terenius
#63 OL
Robert Valentin
Robert Valentin
#71 OL
Terho Hytönen
Terho Hytönen
#73 OL
Jari-Matti Virtanen
Jari-Matti Virtanen
#77 OL
Juho Pietilä
Juho Pietilä
#78 OL
Henri Toiminen
Henri Toiminen
#79 OL
Kimi Tuomi
Kimi Tuomi
#80 WR
Eka-Kristian Koivisto
Eka-Kristian Koivisto
#81 WR
Marko Ylä-rotiala
Marko Ylä-rotiala
#83 WR
Eemeli Nieminen
Eemeli Nieminen
#87 DL
Otto Laine
Otto Laine
#89 WR
Lauri Illikainen
Lauri Illikainen
#91 DL
Jaakko Kuusisto
Jaakko Kuusisto
#92 DL
Ville Pietikäinen
Ville Pietikäinen
#98 LB




Ilari Lehtola
Nuutti Aro
Jyrki Turunen
Eerik Tavasti
Ilkka Minkkinen
Roni Onduso
Konsta Matikainen
Eetu Tarkkala
Jami Helenius
Lauri-matias Reponen
Noel Törmänen
Julius Peri
Henri Illikainen


Mikko-Matias Aspinen
Jaakko Kuusisto
Puolustuksen linjavalmentaja
Mika Lehtiö
Hannes Mattila
Ilkka Minkkinen
Dajon Newell
Hyökkäyksen koordinaattori
Jussi Taipalmaa
Puolustuksen koordinaattori
Jere Tuhkanen
Laitahyökkääjien valmentaja
Kalle Tuomo Uusitalo GBC


Pirkkala Spartans Pirkkala Spartans


Rasmus Aaltonen
Rasmus Aaltonen
Ali Ersan
Ali Ersan
Veeti Tiainen
Veeti Tiainen
Kalle Tanninen
Kalle Tanninen
Joni Riihelä
Joni Riihelä
Tomi Mäkinen
Tomi Mäkinen
Tapio Kari
Tapio Kari
Dominic Olney
Dominic Olney
Petteri Vilpponen
Petteri Vilpponen
Joonas Lindström
Joonas Lindström
Daniel Tolonen
Daniel Tolonen
Luca Koskenkanto
Luca Koskenkanto
Matias Valkama
Matias Valkama
Konsta Väre
Konsta Väre
Peetu Mansikkamäki
Peetu Mansikkamäki
Lauri Kanerva
Lauri Kanerva
Saku Sorjonen
Saku Sorjonen
Samuli Rahkjärvi
Samuli Rahkjärvi
Markus Korpela
Markus Korpela
Riku Kuusisto
Riku Kuusisto
Santeri Mäkelä
Santeri Mäkelä
Ville Järvinen
Ville Järvinen
Ville Seitsonen
Ville Seitsonen
Antti Mannila
Antti Mannila
Ilari Rissanen
Ilari Rissanen
Aleksi Patteri
Aleksi Patteri
Jaakko Silmola
Jaakko Silmola
Akseli Kauppila
Akseli Kauppila
Arttu Suonpää
Arttu Suonpää
Matti Liski
Matti Liski
Teemu Jokinen
Teemu Jokinen
Jesse Nuutinen
Jesse Nuutinen
Arttu Hanhisalo
Arttu Hanhisalo
Juuso Savolainen
Juuso Savolainen
Joona Skippari
Joona Skippari
Ere Viitanen
Ere Viitanen




Ronny Lehmussaari
Eetu Häkkilä
Alvari Einola
Emil Makkula
Joonas Törmä
Joonas Korhonen
Eino Kalliomäki
Veeti Labbart
Nestori Mäkelä
Mikko Rastas
Eemeli Koivu
Markku Kosonen
Oskari Leppäniemi


Henri Jussila
Keskushyökkääjien valmentaja
Kai Niskanen
Puolustuksen linjavalmentaja
Aleksi Siirtola
Puolustuksen koordinaattori
Toni Uusitalo

Depth Chart

Tampere Saints Tampere Saints


  Starter backup
QB #10 Jessie Robbins JR #20 Topias Rajalakso
RB #5 Dajon Newell #7 Matti Airaksinen
TE #0 Topias Räty #80 Kimi Tuomi
WR #13 Raafael Uotila #89 Otto Laine
WR #31 Eero Hiltunen #81 Eka-Kristian Koivisto
WR #25 Erkki Ojala #21 Jere Tuhkanen
LT #73 Terho Hytönen
LG #78 Juho Pietilä
C #79 Henri Toiminen #60 Davide Bersanetti
RG #63 Ville Terenius
RT #60 Davide Bersanetti #71 Robert Valentin


  Starter backup
DT #56 Patrick Isbell #60 Davide Bersanetti
DT #91 Lauri Illikainen #0 Topias Räty
NT #92 Jaakko Kuusisto
LB #14 Matias Lehtiö
MLB #29 Janne Sulin #12 Roope Jukko
WLB #98 Ville Pietikäinen
L CB #6 David Chaves Jimenez
NB #44 Riku-Petteri Haukka #47 Vilho Ruoste
SS #4 Turo Kanerva
FS #33 Juho Angervo #26 Eero Häkkinen
R CB #37 Antti Kurenniemi #24 Severi Hämäläinen


  Starter backup
Place-kickers #89 Otto Laine
Punters #31 Eero Hiltunen
Kick-returners #5 Dajon Newell #33 Juho Angervo, #13 Raafael Uotila
Punt returners #5 Dajon Newell
Long snappers #0 Topias Räty #73 Terho Hytönen
Holders #10 Jessie Robbins JR
Pirkkala Spartans Pirkkala Spartans


  Starter backup
QB #15 Daniel Tolonen #5 Joni Riihelä
RB #10 Dominic Olney #4 Kalle Tanninen
TE #82 Teemu Jokinen #4 Kalle Tanninen
WR #3 Veeti Tiainen #7 Tomi Mäkinen
WR #5 Joni Riihelä #12 Petteri Vilpponen
WR #81 Matti Liski #12 Petteri Vilpponen
WR #82 Teemu Jokinen #4 Kalle Tanninen
LT #68 Ville Seitsonen #77 Arttu Suonpää
LG #70 Antti Mannila #75 Akseli Kauppila
C #73 Aleksi Patteri #70 Antti Mannila
RG #71 Ilari Rissanen #75 Akseli Kauppila
RT #74 Jaakko Silmola #77 Arttu Suonpää


  Starter backup
L DE #91 Arttu Hanhisalo #93 Juuso Savolainen
DT #2 Ali Ersan #75 Akseli Kauppila
NT #0 Rasmus Aaltonen #66 Ville Järvinen
R DE #99 Ere Viitanen #4 Kalle Tanninen
MLB #44 Markus Korpela #41 Samuli Rahkjärvi
WLB #58 Santeri Mäkelä #41 Samuli Rahkjärvi
L CB #22 Luca Koskenkanto #83 Jesse Nuutinen
NB #29 Peetu Mansikkamäki #9 Tapio Kari
SS #9 Tapio Kari #10 Dominic Olney
FS #24 Matias Valkama #10 Dominic Olney
R CB #32 Lauri Kanerva #83 Jesse Nuutinen


  Starter backup
Place-kickers #93 Juuso Savolainen #74 Jaakko Silmola
Punters #5 Joni Riihelä #74 Jaakko Silmola
Kick-returners #32 Lauri Kanerva, #5 Joni Riihelä #9 Tapio Kari
Punt returners #5 Joni Riihelä #32 Lauri Kanerva
Long snappers #4 Kalle Tanninen #81 Matti Liski
Holders #81 Matti Liski #15 Daniel Tolonen